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I laid there half asleep in his arms. I didn't want to move. I didn't want this moment to end. I eyes shot open as my stomach growled. Clayton laughed. 

"Hungry?" He asked. 

"My stomach just spoke for itself, so I guess." I laughed. 

"Tell me, have you ate since that day?" He asked. 

How do I tell him that I only ate once? 

I looked away from him. 

"You didn't, did you?" He turned my head so that I was facing him. 

"I did!" I argued back. "Once." 

He stood shaking his head. He grabbed his clothes and got dressed. 

"Oh I've been thinking..." He looked down at the ground. 

"Your mom isn't dead, she's in jail though." I said. "I stripped her of her powers." 

His eyes widened. 

"You can do that?" He walked over to me. 

"Yeah." I nodded. "It's dangerous to do so if you're mind isn't strong." 

He nodded his head. 

"Then can you take this one power of mine?" He asked. 

"That one power that keeps you from touching people?" I asked. 

"Yeah, it's my fathers powers." He sighed. "I hate it." 

I stood wrapping myself in the sheets

"How about we get rid of it." I placed my hand on his chest. 

This tan ball of light floated in my hands. 

"How are you going to get rid of it?" He asked. 

"Like this." I set it on fire. "Now our future kids won't be burdened with that powers." 

We went out food shopping and bought other stuff for the house. As we were walking out the store, I realized that Clayton doesn't have any clothes. 

"Clayton, you need some clothes." I said as we walked to the car. 

"I know." He said as he unlocked the car. "I'll go shopping for clothes later." 

"I'll...meaning just you?" I questioned him. 

"You can come." He smiled putting the groceries in the car. 

"I was going to come with you regardless." I said helping him. 

I felt uneasy as I putting the bags in the car. I looked around but didn't see anything. 

"Clayton." I looked at him as I put the last bag into the trunk. "I feel like someone is watching us." 

"Probably." He said closing the trunk. "We can't do anything if we can't see them." 

I watched the trees, people, and buildings as we passed them. I noticed a black car parked on the other side of the street as we pulled into the driveway. 

"Our neighbors don't own a black car..." I scrunched my brows together thinking. 

"Just ignore it." Clayton said. 

So I did. As I was carrying in bags I heard a loud bang and pain shot through my body. I looked down as blood spewed out of the gun shot wound. 

"Alina!" Clayton shouted. 

Everything went black. 

"Alina. If you can hear me please come back to us." I heard my aunts voice. 

My eyes opened adjusting to the light. I saw my aunt and Julia. 

"Clayton? Where's Clayton?" I sat up. 

"He's sleeping on the couch." Julia pointed to the pointed. 

"He wasn't able to sleep until he caught who shot you." My aunt sniffed. 

"How long was I out..." I looked at them. 

"A week." Julia pressed her lips together. "I thought...." 

"They shot you with a bullet laced with poison." My aunt brushed my hair from my face. 

"Since he's sleeping, I'm guessing he caught them?" I asked. 

They nodded. 

"It was Eli." Julia shook her head. "The bullet was made for Clayton." 

I sat up. 

"Where is he now?" I asked. 

"Dead." Julia said emotionless. 

"You didn't..." My eyes widened. 

"Once I found out, I was so angry." Julia closed her eyes letting out a deep sigh. 

"When she found out the bullet was laced with poison Julia went crazy. Her and Clayton searched high and low to find him." My aunt smiled sadly. 

I looked over at Clayton who was sound asleep. 

"He cried and prayed everyday." Aunt Ashley looked over at him. 

We sat and talked. It hurt to move so I barely moved. Time passed and Clayton still didn't wake up. Julia and my aunt left. I stood up biting down the pain. I walked over to Clayton poking him in his arm. He shifted turning his back to me. 

"Clayton." I whispered in his ear. 

"Just a little while longer." He mumbled. 

"But I'm hungry." I pouted. 

He turned over sitting up. His eyes wide with tears. 

"Hi." I smiled as he pulled into a hug. 

"When did you wake up?" Clayton cried. 

"Earlier today." I laughed. "Can you fix me something to eat? I'm really hungry." 

"Okay." He kissed my forehead before standing. 

"Uh? Help me up?" I held out my hand. 

He laughed helping me stand up. I followed him to the kitchen. 

"You know." Clayton spoke looking into the fridge. "When you were out, all I could think about was the time we took for granted." 

He placed the makings for sandwiches on the counter. 

"Starting tomorrow, I'm going to take you on a date everyday." He smiled. 

"Everyday?" I questioned it. "Do you have money for that?" 

"Honey, we don't money for a date." He shook his head. 

"You right." I said pulling up a chair. "So where are you taking me tomorrow?" 

"Somewhere." He smiled. 

I smiled back at him. I was curious now. Somewhere? Anywhere is somewhere...


 Never Give Up Your Dream 

A Fractured LightTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon