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*Beep Beep Beep Beep* 

I groan as I heard my alarm clock go off. I barely got any sleep finishing this essay. I covered my face with a pillow right as my mom walked in. 

"It's time to get up sweetie." She said opening my curtains even more letting the light in. 

"Five minutes please." I mumbled through the pillow.

"If I do that then you'll be late." My said removing the pillow from my face. 

"Get up Alina." My mom said with such a stern tone.

"What time is it?" I asked sitting up. 

"Seven thirty." My mom arched her brow at me. 

"Fuck." I stood up moving fast getting ready for school. "I wish I had your powers mom, I could be at school right now." 

"One day." My mom patted my shoulder. "I'll get the car ready." 

Being that my parents both have supernatural powers I have to go to a special school, even though I don't have my powers yet. I sighed. I'm fourteen and my powers still haven't came. I tried everything. I feel like I should give up. Maybe I'm one of those unfortunate kids who doesn't inherit their parents powers. If I end up do getting powers I hope I get both of my parents powers. That would be cool. 

"Will you be okay? You didn't have breakfast." My mom said as I got out the car. 

"If I run, I'll make it for breakfast." I said waving bye to her. 

I took of running to the cafeteria. I got there with five minutes to spare. 

"Alina." I looked around to see Julia walking towards me. "I knew you were doing to be late but not this late." 

"I didn't get much sleep last night." I yawned, covering my mouth. 

I smelled my own breathing doing so. My eyes watered on how foul my breathed smelled. Good thing I always keep a hygiene kit in my back pack. I grabbed my breakfast and walked off with Julia. 

"That essay was hard." I whined. 

"I don't even think my makes sense." Julia laughed. "But hey at least it's done." 

"You right." I said chewing. 

"Oh did you hear, there's a new kid in school." Julia leaned closer to me. "They say he's dangerous." 

I raised my eyebrows interested in what she said. 

"His name is....Well no one knows his name yet." She froze in silence. 

I turned around to see someone with a dark aroma around him. His eyes and hair was black. He wore black leather gloves and he was heading our way. 

"Hopefully he just passes by." Julia whispered. 

I didn't say anything. I just watched him like everyone else. But everyone else look scared. His eyes met mine. I thought I was going to be scared but surprising I wasn't. I've seen scarier things on tv. 

He stopped, our eyes never leaving each other. My eyes widened in shock as this black mist like smoke appeared around him. I wish I had something to show him up with but I didn't. I just sighed and looked away putting my head down. 

"Alina, what is it?" Julia said looking worried. 

"Everyone has a power but me." I complained. "Why do I go to this stupid school when I'm powerless." 

"Maybe you're just a late bloomer." Julia said trying to comfort me. 

I sat up giving her a straight dead look. 

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