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"Clayton, if you can hear me. I really am sorry." I sighed placing my head on his shoulder. "I told you that I love you and I shouldn't have hurt the person I love." 

I hated myself for it. He can't help the person he is. He said he wanted to be good, us his powers for good. What if he wanted to use the power of evil for good things. Turn evil to good? 

"Tell me, did you want to use the power of evil for good? You know like turn evil to good?" I looked at him. 

I could sense him in there. I could feel him screaming for help. 

"You can't fix what you've already broken." A lady appeared, Clayton looks just like her. "Lets say you break a plate, then you say sorry to it...did it go back to the way it was before? No, it wouldn't. So why try and do it with a broken heart?" 

"You're right. Saying sorry doesn't fix it but showing them does." I said. "I won't let you take him." 

"Silly girl he's my son." She reached out her. "Now back off." And sent me flying. 

I laughed as I stood up walking over to her. 

"You're really pissing me off." She growled. 

I didn't know what to do. I haven't learned anything about my powers yet. I wanted to save him. 

"You're pathetic." She laughed. "Next time you see Clayton, he'll be trying to kill you." 

I couldn't do anything but watch as she disappeared him. I fell to my knees. I looked around me. Everyone seemed scared. I looked at the ground where the fire ring was.

"Restore." I said as I pressed my hand on it. 

A huge gust of wind formed where the burn marks were. As the wind faded, you see the malls floor was back to normal. That's the least I can do since I caused this. 

As I was getting up my eye caught something shining. My necklace. I picked it up holding it in my hands as tears streamed down my face. 

"I told you he was dangerous." Eli walked up to me. 

"This is all your fault." I looked up at him, raging with anger. "Clayton isn't a bad guy. All this time he was fight his demons. He was trying to be a good guy. Forget about it, you don't even care. You don't even know him." 

I wanted to disappear at this moment. 

"Alina." Julia ran up to me. "You're fading." 

I glanced up at Julia, the tears wouldn't stop. My heart was aching so much that I felt like I was going to die. I ended up at home. My home. I cried even more thinking about my parents. Seeing pictures of them on the wall didn't help any. I fell to my knees. Why is it that the people I love leave me and I'm the one to blame. 

"Alina? Alina? Are you here?" I heard my aunt call out for me but I was to numb to move. 

I was laying in my parents bed, balled up under the covers. I heard the door opened and footsteps walking towards the bed. 

"Alina." She sat on the bed. "I know you're hurting but laying around won't get him back." 

I wanted to say something but I couldn't find my voice. 

"I know there's a way to get him back." She contuined. "He still loves you and you still love him. Love conquers all." 

I sat up looking at her. I guess her seeing me in this state made her sad. She pulled me into her arms hugging me tightly. 

"The only way I can get him back is if I fight her head on." I sighed. "She told me the next time I see Clayton he'll be trying to kill me." 

My aunt nodded her head. 

"I promised your father that I will always keep you happy and if Clayton is your happiness then, I will help you." She smiled at me. "Now my child, we won't get anywhere just sitting around crying." 

She stood with a bright warm smile on her face. 

"I will have my friend help you unlock your powers and teach you how to fight but we also will have to live our lives like nothing happened." She held out her hand. 

I nodded taking her hand. 

"Good, I'll let me him know we're starting first thing tomorrow." She said. "Let's go. I can tell you're hungry." 

On the drive home all I could think about was him. I wanted his warmth. I wanted to see his smile. We arrived home and went to my room. I sat on my bed looking at pictures of me and him. There was a few with Julia. I smiled seeing how happy we were back then. The tears started back up again. 

"I miss you Clayton." I cried. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault." 

Even after all of this, will he still love me? 

What if his feels fade away? 

The more I thought the more I cried. I wiped my tears. I can't keep crying like this. It's not going to solve anything. 

"Alina!" I heard my aunt shout in horror. 

I rushed downstairs to see Julia all beaten up. 

"What happened?" I kneel beside her. 

"I tried to protect my mom but he beat me." She cried. "I can't go back there." 

I pulled her into my arms. All this time I was worrying about my own problems and ignoring hers. I'm such a horrible person. 

"Don't blame yourself for this." She coughed. 

I got a glimpse of her hand. My eyes widened in horror seeing blood on her hands. I closed my eyes holding her tighter. 


"What? Alina?" Julia looked at me. 

I smiled seeing her bruises and scratches all gone. 

"Feel better?" I asked. 

"I see." My aunt looked at me. "Your powers are driven by emotions." 

I gave her a questioning look. 

"You have an emotional block, that's why you can't use your powers freely." She added. "Once that block is gone, you'll be powerful." 

Powerful? Powerful enough to beat Clayton's mom? 

I smiled at that thought.


Let me know if you see a mistake :) or have seen a mistake of mine throughout the book. 

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