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"Her vitals are okay." I heard a lady say. "We took a blood test and found sleeping dust in her system." 

"Sleeping dust?" I heard my aunt say. 

"She'll wake up soon, it wasn't a strong dose of it." The lady said. "She will be fine."  

As I came to I saw that Sir Darkness and Julia was sitting next too me. I looked around to see that I was in the hospital. 

"You're awake." Clayton sat on the edge of the bed. 

"What happen?" I asked. 

"This guy tried to kidnap you." Julia said. "He would've kidnapped you if you hadn't run away from him." 

"Why though?" I rubbed my eyes. "I don't have anything he can take, heck I don't even have powers." 

"Maybe you do." Clayton looked down at his hands. "That's why he tried to take you." 

"Spill it Sir Darkness." I looked at him. 

"It's nothing." Clayton said. "But I still can't stop thinking about that dream you had with her parents. Like what if those glowing light were their powers and they gave it too you?" 

"What do you mean?" I asked.  

"Alina, I'm saying that you could have powers, very strong powers and not even know it." He said. 

I pressed my lips together. Could they have done that? 

"I wouldn't know." I looked down at my hands. "How does one know they have powers?" 

"I found out I had powers through emotions." Julia laughed. "I was angry at my dad and I just pictured this metal lamp hitting him and boom! it happened." 

"You sound dangerous." Clayton looked at her. 

"I can move anything that has metal." She smiled. "Any type of metal at that." 

He nodded in approval. 

"So Sir Darkness, what are you powers and how did you find out you had them?" Julia asked him. 

"I don't wanna talk about it. I hate my powers." He sighed. 

"Is that why you wear gloves?" I asked him. 

"Partly." He nodded. "Having this power of Darkness and Shadow, people tend to think that I'm evil, not knowing you can use Darkness and Shadow for good things." He paused. 

"Is it your moms or dads power?" I asked, I kinda felt like I was being nosy.

"I don't know." I could hear the pain in his voice. 

"It's okay, you don't have to talk about it." I said, hoping that would make things feel better. 

He nodded with a small smile. I sat up feeling better. 

"Oh, your aunt went to get something to eat for us. She'll be back soon." Julia said. 

"For me too?" I pointed to myself. 

She nodded. 

We all sat in the room watching tv. 

They wanted me to stay in the hospital over night. My aunt laid on the couch. She was sleeping peacefully. I was thirsty but I didn't want to wake her. I pressed the nurse button on the remote. A lady while walk in. 

"Is everything okay?" She asked. 

"Yeah, but I want some water." I said. 

She smiled and nodded. "I'll be back with your water." 

A Fractured LightWhere stories live. Discover now