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"Alina." Julia sat in front of me as I was typing my essay for class. "Tell me, do you like Clayton?" 

"Sir Darkness?" I looked up at her. 

"Yeah, him." Julia rolled her eyes. 

"I don't know if I like him." I sighed. "I never liked anyone that way so I wouldn't know." 

"I think he likes you." Julia smiled. "The way he's so caring for you." 

"I never thought about that." I said going back to typing. "But I have thought about something. I wonder why he's always wearing gloves." 

"Come to think of it, that's true." Julia nodded. "He never takes them off." 

"I'm ask him." I said. 

"When?" Julia leaned forward. "Are you going to text him." 

"Maybe, since tomorrow is Saturday and I probably won't see him." I closed my laptop. 

"Oh you will." Julia winked at me. 

"What did you do?" I asked. 

"I invited him to spend the day with us." Julia smiled. 

"Oh you didn't." I jumped on her pinning her to the ground. 

"Listen, it's not fair to only hang out with him during school." Julia mumbled. 

"Julia." I looked at her, my eyes not leaving hers. "Do you like him?" 

"No." She said. "But I know he likes you." 

"How do you know this?" I asked her as I got off of her. 

"I just know." She crossed her arms. "Let's get some sleep." 

I tried sleeping but ever since that day. I can't really get a good night rest. I keep seeing my parents get burned to death by acid. The sun started to rise. I sighed and stared at the ceiling. If I could erase a memory I'd erase seeing my parents die in front of me. 

"Did you even get any sleep?" Julia turned facing me. 

"No." I mumbled. "I tried." 

"I'm sorry. I wish I could help you." Julia sighed. 

"You're not a hopeless friend." I turned facing her. "With you by my side, I was able to stay strong." 

We laid there talking for a while before I got text from Sir Darkness. 

Sir Darkness
What time and where are we meeting up at?

Just come to my house. 

I texted him the address and sat up. 

"He'll be here soon." I said. "We gotta get dressed." 

It really didn't take us long to get dressed. I heard a knock on the door and ran down the stairs before my aunt could answer it. 

"Hi." I smiled as I opened the door. 

"Alina, who is..." My aunt froze in place. 

A gust of wind pushed him back and the door slammed shut. 

"Don't you dare bring that darkness into my house!" She shouted. 

"He's nice." I opened the door seeing him still standing there. "Aunt Ashley, he's not a mean person." 

"He carries darkness." She shook her head. "I will not allow him in my house." 

"I lost my parents, It'd kill me if I lost you." I looked at her with pain in my eyes. "Can't you trust me." 

"I do trust you, but....I don't trust him." She sighed. 

"I hate my powers." He spoke. "I hate who I am, because of my powers." 

I turned facing him. 

"There's not a day that I wish I could kill myself but I can't." I could hear the pain in his voice. 

"What..?" I walked over to him. "You know what, let's not think about the negative stuff today." 

He nodded. 

"Julia! Grab my stuff and let's go!" I shouted. "We'll be back tonight Aunt Ashley." 

"Please be safe." She sighed. 

Me and Julia walked ahead. I noticed that Sir Darkness wasn't next to us, I looked back to see him talking with my aunt. He nodded and ran to catch up with us. 

"What was that about?" I asked 

"Nothing, let's get going." He said. 

"I'll sit in the back." Julia winked at me. 

I rolled my eyes at her and got in the front seat of his car. It was nice. A matte black Dodge Charger. I buckled up. As I did a flash from that day ran through my head. Clayton put his hand on my arm. I looked up at him, I felt everything melt away. I noticed just now, being around him was like a safety blanket too me. 

"I'm okay." I said. 

"Where to first?" He looked at us. 

"The mall." Julia smiled. "As we all know Christmas is coming up and I have to do some Christmas shopping." 

"So you're just going to buy my gift in front of me?" I looked back at her. 

"Nope." She gave me a cheesy grin.  

We arrived at the mall. Something told me to stay close to Clayton but me being me I didn't. I ended up wondering off losing him. I stood looking at dress when he walked up. 

"Hey beautiful." He smiled and winked at me. 

"Uh can I help you?" I asked stepping back from him. 

"You sure can." He smiled and blew dust in my face. 

I started coughing and backed away. 

"What did you just do?" I coughed. 

He stood there smiling. I turned and ran before the dust could take effect. I saw Clayton and Julia walking around. 

"Clayton!" I shouted as I felt a sudden wave of sleepiness hit me. 

My eyes felt heavy. I don't remember much, the last thing I saw was Clayton vanishing in a black mist. I fell into someone's arms. I prayed that it wasn't that guys. 

Why did he do this too me? 

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If you have a flaw embrace it, don't put yourself down because of it. 
Your flaw is what makes you unique.

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