Chapter 12: Back at Hogwarts

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First few weeks of classes went by slowly, but I always feel like days are longer in the winter. I havent gotten detention, so that seems promising. Cant say the same for the twins though, within their first week they managed to get detention by setting off fireworks in a corridor. They said it was too quiet. Boys.

Which meant my nights were pretty boring until their week long detention was over. I spent my nights working on homework or going over certain books with Hermione. I've been dodging Draco Malfoy like the plague.

Fred and George kept my cruciatus curse a secret. They didn't tell anyone about it, when they're not pulling pranks or feeding firecrackers to innocent creatures, they're researching everything they can about my scar. I've never seen the twins read books before, well, at least not this much.

I'm sitting in the great hall in between Fred and George, working on my werewolf essay that professor Snape set since professor Lupin was out sick two weeks ago. Honestly, gives me the creeps working on this. I just keep thinking of the werewolf attack I had last year.

"You're working on a werewolf essay too?" Ron says, pointing to my book.

I stop writing and look up at him. "You've gotta do one?" I inquire.

"I have to. Doesn't mean I will." Ron says, Hermione rolls her eyes and then continues reading.

I dip my quill in the ink well and continue to work on my essay. "Its bad enough having Snape for potions, I have to have him for defense against the dark arts too?" I shake my head.

"He gives you a hard time, huh?" Ron says. "He called Hermione a know-it-all."

I breathe out. "We're not even on werewolves, I learned that last year. We were learning about Erklings and counter-curses." I mutter.

"Erklings?" Harry asks.

"Creepy elfish creatures with huge yellow eyes. They eat children." I say, pointedly.

Everyones eyes get wide. I smirk before going back to my essay.

"Think I'd rather learn about werewolves..." Ron admits.

"You wouldn't if you were attacked by one." I say.

Ron, Harry and Hermione look at me. I glance at them before closing my Defense Against the Dark Arts book. I roll up my parchment and open my bag, setting my book inside. Fred's eyes go to the inside of my bag and he notices George's scarf. He glances at me as I put my parchment away. I give him a small smile before getting up.

"Where you off to?" George asks.

"If I work on this essay any longer, I'm going to scream." I say, honestly. "I'm going to return some books at the library. I'll see you guys later." I say, glancing at the twins and the trio before leaving.

"Is she alright?" Harry asks.

"We're not sure." The twins say in unison, looking at a smirking Malfoy from across the room.

I head to the library and return my books, giving them to the librarian. I walk down the aisles but nothing jumps out at me. The books I've gotten werent any help. Maybe because I'm looking in the wrong section. I was hit with an unforgivable curse. It's dark magic. I'm not going to find dark magic in the general area of the library. I need to go to the restricted section.

Theres not many people in the library, seeing as it's dinner time. I look around before muttering alohomora at the lock on the gate to the restricted section. I slip through and begin to search around for a book on scars. I grab a book called Curses and their Effects. Hoping that will help, I wave my wand over the book to make a copy and put the copy on the shelf and store the book in my messenger bag.

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