Chapter 2: Making Friends and Enemies

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Except, I was wrong. Seeing as after dinner in the Great Hall, I was following other Slytherin students to the Slytherin Common Room when I feel two arms grab me from behind and pull me away from the crowd. They pull me around to an empty corner. The twins. Of course.

“Thought you were leaving without saying goodbye, huh?” Fred says.

“You can catch up with them later.” George says.

“Why would you want to be friends with me?” I say with sad eyes, my hair turning black. “Never make friends with a Slytherin, remember?”
I watch Fred and George sigh. I can see in Fred’s eyes that he regrets saying what he said.

“Look, we don’t know why you got placed in Slytherin. What we do know, is that you’re a good person. The sorting hat even said..” George says.

“And we’ll take down anyone who dare call you evil.” Fred says.

“Though, what we saw on the train, you might be fine without our help.” George says with a smile.

I nod. I finally feel like I can breathe. Fred and George are very loyal and are sticking around with me, even if I have been put in Slytherin. I’m just so confused by the sorting hats decision. I think everyone is.

Fred and George decided to give me a tour of their own. And by tour, I mean all the secret passageways in and out of the castle. Which led me to not know the password into my own common room and wandering the castle at night all three of us got caught by professor Snape. A week’s worth of detention. I explained that I already had detention for McGonagall and he said it would have to be back to back detention. Perfect. He was also not happy about taking away 15 more points from me since he now knows I’m the one who put the hex on Montague and Flint. I fear I won’t be doing well in his classes. Fred and George obviously didn’t care about being in detention, but I believe they felt bad for being the reason twice now for me getting detention.

It seemed that was going to be a pattern from now on. Hang around the Weasley twins and expect detention. I cared at first, I was new to this school and I was already branded a freak, being the first muggle born in Slytherin. Which I found out muggle means non-magical human. No one in the Slytherin house liked me, they knew I didn’t belong. They said Salazar Slytherin was rolling around in his grave due to my blood status. Anyway, I wanted to do well at this school. And me having back to back detention the first week and negative thirty points in Slytherin, was not a good start to this magical life.

I still managed to be an outcast from the Slytherins. And the other houses were wary of me as well. I still only managed to have two friends, Fred and George. And I wonder to myself if they would be my friends if they never came across my compartment on the train. What would make them want to be my friend? Surely, they wouldn’t seek out a Slytherin and befriend her? I guess I got lucky because three years later they still manage to be my friends.
My first few years at Hogwarts had been great. Fred and George don’t have any classes with me, seeing as they’re a year above me. So, the only times I get to see them are in the Great Hall for meals or homework, Courtyard, Weekend visits to Hogsmeade, Quidditch matches and detention. So basically I see them all the time. I managed to make a few more friends thanks to Fred and George who introduced me to their younger brother Ron, younger sister Ginny and their friends, Hermione and Harry.

Harry Potter has become quite popular in this school, trust me I was glad when he showed up so people would stop talking about me. And that lasted about ten seconds when Harry got sorted into Gryffindor after he told the hat, not Slytherin. Oh, was there an uproar. People from Slytherin were shouting at how he got to choose what house he wanted, and everyone knew I didn’t belong in Slytherin. The other houses didn’t want me because though I was wary of Slytherin and I clearly didn’t belong. There was something about me that obviously wanted to be in Slytherin. Something dark that hasn’t been brought to light completely. There were instances where something odd happened or I did something I normally wouldn’t do and at times it scared me myself.

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