Chapter 11: Christmas

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I look down, his hand on my right side. Right where my scar is. I'm so confused. It doesn't hurt, my body isnt filling with electricity. I look at George and I am completely shocked. It seems as if time stands still in this moment. I breathe out, unable to speak.

Ron fakes a cough making George and I jump a bit. I take my mug of tea and exit the kitchen. I can tell George is watching me leave. Ron and Harry raise their eyebrows at George and he pours water into his mug.

"How'd you do that?" Ron asks, shoving a muffin in his mouth.

George shakes his head and stares off into the living room. "I have no idea..." he goes into the living room.

"Was that weird to you?" Ron says.

Harry nods. "That was very weird."

The rest of the afternoon went by pretty fast, Mrs. Weasley made us sandwhiches for lunch, I'm pretty sure I saw Ron eat three of them. I'm not sure when, but I retracted from the home and decided to go for a walk in the fields by myself.

I wasn't understanding anything, how can George touch me like that and it seems everything goes back to normal? I wish I knew how I got this scar, but I don't. I try not to show it, but I'm unstable from being tortured. The longer I keep it a secret the angrier Fred and George are going to be. And I know I'll have an earful from Hermione and Ginny. But I just want one day that's normal. One day where I'm not freaking out about something, but that's so hard to come by.

I trudge in the snowy field and the air is getting colder. I cross my arms as I walk and kicking snow as well. I just want to clear my head a bit. As I'm walking I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and a man is standing there. He has stringy hair, really short and stumpy, probably the ugliest person I've ever seen in my life. I gasp a bit as he steps closer to me.

"Who are you?" I take my wand out and point it at him.

"Not important, pretty one." He says, unphased by my wand. He takes his finger and strokes my cheek with it and smiles. I notice hes missing a finger.

"What do you want?" I look over at the burrow, I'm not too far, but damn I'm wishing I didn't leave by myself.

"You have the mark on you, yes? The scar?" he says in a creepily manner.

"Yes..." I say, finding myself frozen in the snow.

"Revenge will happen. You will be dark. Its inevitable." He says.

"I'm...I'm not evil." I breathe out.

"Emberly?" I hear someone call for me, I look over at the burrow and see a tall red head, either Fred or George.

I turn to face the man again and hes gone. Just like that, clear as day, gone. I look around and cant seem to find him. What the hell? I mutter lumos and look around with my wand lit. I walk a little ways, trying to find the man. I breathe deep and give up, as I turn around I collide with someone, making me stumble back and drop my wand. I gasp loudly as I hit the ground, I immediately feel two hands on me helping me up, they bend over to get my wand and hand it to me. I point the light at the figure.

"Fred...hey..." I say.

"You alright? I didn't mean to scare you. What are you doing out here?" he says.

"I was just walking around." I lie.

"I saw someone else out here. And it wasn't anyone in my family, or Harry or Hermione because everyones inside having dinner." He gives me a look.

"It was nothing..." I say, heading back to the burrow. Fred quickly catches up to me and gets in front of me, blocking me from going any further. I look up at him.

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