Chapter 4: Running from Werewolves

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"Did you hear about her bogart?"

"Can you believe her worst fear is herself?"

"How dumb Is that, to be scared of yourself?"

"I heard the Weasley twins also made an appearance in her bogart, dead."

"Honestly, who is scared of themselves?"

Whispers and talking filled the hallways, definitely more than thirty people know now. I'm confused and humiliated. I'm so humiliated, I cant shake away my bubblegum pink hair. I decide to not further my expose to embarrassment and head straight to the lake with my books. I sit down on a rock and begin to work on my charms essay on bewitching objects. I look up at the water every once in a while, to take a break from my essay.

I'm a great witch. I know how to do spells, but that bogart was so real for me. I am terrified of becoming an evil person, I'm terrified of doing something beyond my control that kills my best friends. I'm not a bad person. But, for some reason I can't control some of the things that I do. And I don't know why.

Before I know it, it's gone dark. I look up at the full moon. I hear footsteps behind me and I pull my wand out.

"Lumos maxima." I say, My wand has a light at the end of it, like a flash light. I look in the direction of the footsteps and it's just Fred and George. I don't know if I'm ready to face them just yet, but I don't have a choice.

I breathe deep as they get closer, I put away my books and essays. As they sit next to me.

"We missed you at dinner." Fred says.

"It's dark out, you don't know what's out here." George says.

"Wasn't hungry." I say, looking at the water.

"You didn't eat breakfast, you didn't take a lunch because you were working on your essay and you missed dinner to be out here. Doing homework." Fred says. I get a sense of patronization when he says homework.

"Just wanted to be alone." I admit.

"You're worried about the bogart." George says.

"It doesn't tell the future, it just shows what you're scared of. It doesn't have to come true. Doesn't mean it'll happen."

"Yeah, there's no way, you'd become evil." Fred says.

"And there's no way you'd kill us." George says.

I suppose Fred and George are right. You don't just become evil, you make that choice. The choices you make in life determine who you're going to be. I just have to remember that.

"Everyones just talking about what happened, I couldn't even stop it. I got so sad, I got so scared."

"Maybe they're talking because they know how we feel about each other." George says.

That was an odd thing to say.

"What?" I grab my bag and stand up.

"What's wrong, love?" Fred looks at me confused.

"Stupefy!" George says, raising his wand at me.

The spell makes me fly back into the lake, my bag suddenly feels like there's a ton of bricks in it, making me sink further down. It's getting hard to breathe; my lungs feel like it's on fire. That wasn't Fred, and that definitely wasn't George.

I grab onto my wand and carefully think of the word 'Ascendio' which makes me, along with my bag, ascend from the bottom of the lake and onto the surface, I quickly grab onto the land and do a quick feather light charm on my bag, so it isn't so heavy anymore. I climb out of the water and the faux Fred and George are gone. I fall against the earth and breathe heavy. I can't believe that happened, of course it happened, George is in detention. Fred is who knows where. But, why? To kill me? Maybe I am in danger.

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