Theo let out a sigh of relief was they left, but that was quickly replaced by a mix of anger and heart break.

He slowly made his way to his feet, holding his side as he did, before walking off to the only place he found solace. The trip to the schools pool was agonizing at best.

Once he was able to lower himself into a sitting position, with his legs dangling in the water, he felt almost as if he was being healed. It was something he had noticed long ago, but had never been able to put his finger on.

Just as Theo was about to jump in the pool, he noticed one of the schools janitors walk out of the door with his cart.

The janitor had also been extremely tall compared to him, but now the guy just looked weird. It was almost like the guy's eyes were screwed up, as they kept merging before separating again.

"Hey, the pool was already cleaned yesterday, plus it's filled with water, sooo..." Theseus said as he tried to ignore the tingling sense in gut.

"Oh I'm not here to clean the pool. I thought I smelled a demigod around. Looks like I'll eat good tonight." The janitor said, as his form changed completely.

His two eyes merged, and he almost grew another few feet. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled a spiked club out.

Theo quickly scrambled to his feet, the pain in his side gone completely. He wasn't fast enough. The monster rushed him, before swinging the spiked club into the boy's stomach, propelling him into the water.

The spikes from the club left a litter of holes across Theseus' stomach that oozed blood into the surrounding water. The boy, though still in pain, could few the water doing the same magic it had done just minutes before, allowing the demigod to get his wits together.

"Fine, let's fight a monster today." Marc thought to himself, realizing that he had no chance of escaping.

Originally, his plan had just been to get out of the water, but as the thought of raising out of the blue liquid, the water seemed to react.

Theo could feel himself being propelled up, before his head broke through the surface, followed by the rest of his body. Eventually, he found himself hovering about five feet above the water, the same water that was keeping him up.

"A son of Poseidon? There's no way! You didn't smell strong enough...." The monster mumbled, taken aback. "No matter, I'll just make sure to cook you, raw fish tastes nasty." It said before hurling his club at the demigod.

Out of instinct, the teen, who had brought his arms up and squeezed his eyes shut, was surprised when nothing hit him. Deciding to take a small peek, he found that the water had risen up in front of him, almost as if it had followed his hand movements. A grin quickly appeared on his face.

"I'm so using this for revenge. But for now, I'll just have to deal with you." The boy said before thrusting both his arms forward.

Just like before, the water followed his hand movements, and shot forward into the monster, who burst into dust as he hit the wall of the school.

"Well, I've met demigods in many different ways, but I've never seen them have such control over their powers. Sure there was Percy, but he's an enigma of an enigma." A voice said, the last part barely audible.

"Mr Brunner?" Theo asked, stunned to see his teacher. Then he realized what he was doing, and tried to stop everything, resulting in him being dropped five feet into the water.

The boy quickly swam to the edge, before hauling himself over the side and onto his feet.

"Hello Theseus, quite an impressive display. I had planned on giving you a weapon, but that was clearly un-needed." Mr. Brunner said, gesturing to the trident he held. Theo remembered something about how the trident was a replica of some Greek water god, but couldn't remember which one.

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 19, 2019 ⏰

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