Living in Sin : Prologue

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Never bothered trying to stop the tears as I ran out the door.

It is quite unbelievable but he actually outdid himself this time. One would think what he'd done last time had got me numb for good but he again managed to break me. There was one thing on my mind, if I hadn't lost it already, and that was to get to her. Embrace her. Cry into her.

And over and over again I imagine her whisper to me those seven words: You can do this ... ... even without me.

Without her.

Without her.

Maybe she was right and I could actually do what she'd asked, but what's the point in that?

What's the point if he just kept running over me again and again?

What's the f*cking point if I didn't have her anyways?




It would probably kinda suck if you wake up and the first thing that visits you even before you fully remember you're a human being is shock - shock that you're late for the first day at your new school.

Turns out, it does suck. Big time!

How the hell could I have missed that wake-up call?!

Stupid jet-lags, that wouldn't go away for two days came to mind but what little time I had couldn't be spared for mulling over it now.

Scrambled off the bed. Skipped the shower and the dress-up - or dress-down, as Jen would more often than not grumble with a sigh - was done in record time. My stomach almost succeeded in duping me into believing that there was still time for some leftover from lastnight's dinner but I sided with logic this time.

So four whole minutes and a millilon sighs later, I was finally in a cab, off to school for the first day - alone. Though, it was only after I finished checking my bag and finding it quite pleasantly stacked with all the documents and files needed for the admission that I could relax, close my eyes and throw my head back onto the head-rest in peace.

"Kid, we're here."

Already? was what I almost thought aloud when I sat up and looked out the window, ... and found trees? "Umm ... what are we doing in a forest? ... I-I thought I said Skyline Highschool."

"You did," came the monotonous reply and a chill that'd just started crawling up my spine turned icy. Jen. Jen, this is your fault - you and all your lectures on self-confidence. Now I'm alone in the woods ... with a cabbie, no less!! "But we aren't allowed from here on in so I'm afraid you'll have to walk up the rest."


"Yeah, so your school is built on a hill. That's a start." the old man made a scene turning in his seat to glance at me, and his warm smile saw the end of my already vanishing catatonic trance. "First day, eh?"

I could only look away with chagrin and a smile, and it was with a sigh that I watched the car that'd got me here disappear down into the trees. Breathing out another sigh, I turned back to the way where I should be going.

it was only because of my paranoia that I failed to see it before but the school was quite visible even from maybe five minute's walklng distance. And it is huge. Its monumental grandeur only added to the beauty of the tranquility it had itself surrounded with, giving off an elite vibe. The intimidating vibe. I felt the hesitance in me grow more as I kept looking at the momentous facility.

I knew Jen never had to go back - not necessarily. This is what she'd always been up to since we'd first met - get me to do things on my own. Well, why can't I?

Yeah, why can't I do this on my own?: I muttered out loud just before a bike whizzed past me towards the school. But I pulled my startled self together and took my eyes off the back of the rider and set them back on my destination. And no, nothing, much less the fact that I was still a good one hundred or so feet away from the gate where I could see people buzzing about, could not this time stop me from taking a step - that very small step towards this new leaf in my life.

Fresh start, here 



A/N : This is a GxG story, obviously. So anyone offended by the idea shouldn't read any further. And if you do decide to continue, I wanna thank you, and apologize to you in advance, because my updates are slow, like turtle slow. Also, I started Living in Sin, like, six years ago (!!!) and it's my first ever story so I made a lot of mistakes. My writing did improve as the story went on (I like to think so, I mean, it's been years, lol). So I'm sorry for any confusion you might experience. If you're interested enough, just ask me and I'll tell you, happily :D. I'm editing the entire story from the start and also writing new chapters. I hope you enjoy it. <3 ~ Aung

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