Chapter 9 - Lunch Surprise

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Monday morning restarted Riley and Kaylee's mutual regular school day routine. Up early, quick breakfast of cereal, brush teeth, dress then rush off to school. Kaylee always followed Riley to her classroom and would hang out there until the bell 10 minutes before school would officially begin.

"There's the bell, Mommy!" Kaylee excitedly called while running to gather her backpack and lunch.

"Have a great day, Honey," Riley smiled, squatting to hug and kiss her daughter goodbye for the day.

She followed Kaylee to the door of her classroom, tightening her ponytail, straightening her skirt along the way then paused in her doorway, hands clasped in front of her as she watched Kaylee disappear through the sea of students toward her own classroom just down the hall.

One by one, her 3rd graders trickled into her classroom. Each got a cheery "Good morning!" from Riley which was warmly returned with a "Morning, Ms. J!" and a fist bump. Morning math review was on each desk so the students knew exactly what to do until the second bell.

The day continued on with a pleasant flow for Riley and ended with the students sharing from their journals what they did over Spring break. When the dismissal bell rang, the students gathered their things and headed out the door where Riley gave each of them an exit fist bump.

Shortly after the crowd of students cleared, Kaylee came bounding in and threw her arms around Riley. Vivian entered a few minutes later to which Kaylee gave an excited squeal. "Grandma Mondays" were a weekly routine so Riley could attend her faculty meetings.

"See you tonight, honey!" Riley called as Kaylee walked off hand in hand with Vivian.

"Attention Teachers," the secretary paged over the intercom. "Please report to the teacher's lounge for faculty meeting. Thank you."

"Yippee," Riley groaned to herself sarcastically as she gathered her phone, keys and a pencil then joined other staff members in the hallway to head for their meeting.


Connor's day had been grueling and very strenuous. Meeting after meeting with back to back consultants, designers and clients kept him busy even through his supposed lunch break. He checked his schedule only to confirm he was booked solid every day this week. The urge to text Riley itched at him all day but Connor knew she was busy at school until at least 3:00. It was 2:30 now and he had another client at 3:00.

With this grueling schedule and a necessary meeting with Gabriel after his 3:00 client, Connor was sure he wouldn't be leaving the office until late tonight. He'd have to try tomorrow to contact Riley. This would be the test if she could handle his busy schedule.


By the time Riley's meeting was over and she arrived home heavy laden with groceries, Kaylee had already eaten dinner and was in the bath playing before getting ready for bed. Vivian was washing dishes as Riley came in and heated up the plate for herself from the fridge.

"Have you heard from that man since your date the other night?" Vivian asked cooly not bothering to meet Riley's eyes as she scrubbed a dish harshly in obvious disapproval.

"Not yet," Riley sighed totally unconcerned. "He's busy, I'm busy. We're both adults and will meet up again sometime this week but we haven't set anything up officially yet."

"Be careful with him, Riley," Vivian scolded, now shooting Riley a sideways warning glare.

"I know, Mom," came her exasperated reply as Riley carried her plate to the dining room table and began to eat. The leftover spaghetti let off a comforting steam and the salad was still crunchy.

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