Chapter 10 - Words of Pain

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Dinner that next Friday night was fantastic. They met at an exclusive restaurant and had a wonderful time. Riley found it so easy to be around Connor and talk to him. An added bonus was how respectful he was. Opening doors, picking her up, not pushing anything passed kissing. Connor was truly being patient, in Riley's opinion. Her mother's was a different tone altogether.

They decided to keep their Friday night dinners and have lunch together on Wednesdays since Riley didn't have supervision that day. In between, they would text, call and meet if both had the time. Their schedules were both so full yet each time they met they could just pick right up where they left off as if no time had passed.

Each led their own lives. Connor had his meetings and game night with guy friends, Riley had her work tasks, Mom duties and Symphony rehearsals each Tuesday night now that the season was about to begin. Their dating fell into a steady and pleasant routine.

One Thursday afternoon several weeks later, Riley's phone dinged with a new text message.

I don't want to have dinner with you at a restaurant this Friday

It was Connor but the nature of his message made Riley swirl with anxiety.

Oh?  Was her simple reply. Was he breaking up with her?

Yes. I want you to come to my house instead.

A smile broke across Riley's face. That sounds lovely

Excellent. I'll text you the address


The rest of the week flew by and finally it was Friday. Connor called a day to work from home so he could cook dinner for Riley. He had called his grandma in Portugal and got her family recipes for her caldo verde soup for their appetizer, bacalhau for the entrée and serradura for dessert. He also made a berry sangria to appease Riley's enjoyment of sweeter cocktails.

He spent the morning tweaking their presentation for Liam O'Hagan and his museum project. Before their new client would commit to even meeting in person, he wanted to see some preliminary ideas. This museum project was extremely special to O'Hagan. After several phone call meetings, Connor and Liam who had attended the same University, quickly rekindled their friendship. This account was very important to Connor and his architect firm so of course they would be flexible.

Once mid day hit, Connor started cooking filling his home with the unique, enticing smells of his childhood. The recipes had been retrieved and the shopping had been done the previous day so Connor could fully concentrate on making an authentic Portuguese dinner for Riley. When things were simmering and baking, he jumped in the shower, decided to leave his slight stubble, and towel dried his hair before returning to tend the food.


Riley left her school immediately after dismissal to go home and begin getting ready. Vivian had picked Kaylee up from the apartment as their usual Friday routine. Dinner was set for 7:00 but Riley would have to drive 30 minutes to get to his house. That only left her about 3 1/2 hours to get ready.

After picking her outfit, Riley got in the bathtub. Of course she shaved her legs and other places, washed her hair and body then simply relaxed for a little while. It had been a long, stressful week and she needed some alone time to relax. Nerves about dinner began to build along with some anxiety as Riley recalled the conversation with Vivian when Riley excitedly told her mom about their surprise lunch date then about dinner with Connor at his house.

"You're spending way too much time with that man! You just met!" Vivian had argued.

Riley sighed heavily and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Mom, that's the natural way to get to know someone! You spend time with them!"

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