without missing a beat, younghoon turned to taehyung with a lazy grin. "and who says i'm trying to impress someone, hm?" taehyung scoffs.

"obviously, it's someone! kim younghoon, i've been your friend for, remind me again, how long? oh, ten years? i think i know your habits pretty well by now."

     his hand snaked its way around taehyung's slim waist, pulling him closer to the younger.

     "you're absolutely right." younghoon chuckles at the surprised squeak that pops out of taehyung's mouth. "but how do you know i'm not trying to impress you?"

"because if it was, you would've asked me out already. and you probably would've had voyeuristic bathroom sex with me by now."

     "good point." taehyung pretends to look out the window to hide his smile. younghoon was just a dumbass, but something is definitely up. oh well. he can worry about that later.

     what taehyung needs to worry about, is inconveniently standing right next to his locker. stupid locker. he's actually never had an issue with his locker for the past 2 years of high school, so why now?

     sure, the occasional locker jam. the rare case of an annoying locker buddy. but this year, he lucked out. his locker, #325, was beautifully placed next to a sophomore, jaemin.

na jaemin was a hot piece of ass, but a NICE hot piece of ass! (the best kind) he was the type of guy to compliment you every morning. happy! cute! has fluffy pink hair and a preppy fashion taste! basically the whole package.

but he wasn't into him, no, not at all! don't get him wrong, jaemin was great. it's because jaemin was already happily taken by an equally cute guy in taehyung's grade.

what was his name again? mork? minhyung?
ah, well, something like that.

     the point is that it's a universal fact that nice guys are automatically hotter. moving on, the problem isn't jaemin. it's the fuck standing next to him.

jeongguk looks unrighteously good today (as always), in a stone blue button-up shirt and a pair of black puma joggers that didn't match at all. how does that even work? what's with the obsession of button-up shirts?

whatever. he looked hot anyway. taehyung's not gonna try to deny it this time, because anyone who can pull off THAT outfit must be hot.

since taehyung is a pussy, he turns to younghoon and asks him to accompany him to his locker. he needs a little moral support sometimes, ok! it's not weird.

"me? i thought you hate when i cling to you?" taehyung takes a deep breath and looks straight up at younghoon with a pleading expression. "please?"

he's met with that obnoxiously cocky trademark younghoon smirk, and that's when taehyung knows that he's on his own for this one.

"thanks, you abominable shit goblin. i hope you trip and attain a mildly painful injury." younghoon's eyes twinkle he whispers back, "happy to help!" and pats the curve of taehyung's ass before leaving.

okay. he can do this. taehyung can definitely walk up to his own locker, smile at jaemin, ignore jeongguk, and get his stuff, right? it really shouldn't be too hard.

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