Part 13: Clothes

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Yoongi didn't even think about knocking since he was in full panic mode from hearing the loud cry and instantly went to the boy on the floor who he scooped up into his lap and started rocking back and forth like a child.

He wasn't sure why Jimin was crying but he noticed that his shirt was half on, half off and that it looked stupidly uncomfortable.

"Is your shirt hurting you?" Yoongi asked even though it obviously was since his neck was red from pulling at it so much.

Surprisingly Jimin shook his head but Yoongi still decided that it wasn't a good idea to leave him like that.

"We should still take it off okay? Being stuck half undressed won't make you feel any better will it?" Yoongi said softly, re-positioning Jimin a bit who shook his head to answer Yoongi.

Yoongi undid the buttons, all of which were done up confusing him, and rubbed circles on Jimin's back until he slid off the shirt.

Jimin started to cry louder as the cold hit him and he realised he was exposed so Yoongi quickly reached over and grabbed the jumper, sliding it over Jimin's head and helping him put his arms in the sleeves.

Jimin just curled back up into Yoongi as he continued to cry loudly letting out some of what was built up.

Yoongi kept rocking him and whispering things like "It's okay, your okay. It's gonna be okay now, I promise."

After a unknown amount of time Jimin's loud cries turned to whimpers and he's breathing calmed down.

"What's wrong Jiminie? What happened?" Yoongi asked, his voice sounding lower because he whispered so much.

Jimin whimpered slightly louder so Yoongi moved Jimin so he was as close as he could be to him but still have a decent hold on the boy so he didn't fall.

"It's okay to cry, I just want to know if I can do anything to help." Yoongi whispered noticing Jimin's hat was sliding off.

"I-I-I'm over... overwhelmed..." Jimin said trying his best not to start crying again or to think about everything that happened again.

Yoongi's heart broke when he heard how broken the boy in his arms voice was.

Of course he'd be overwhelmed, after everything that's happened who wouldn't be.

"It's okay to be overwhelmed, it's understandable after everything that you've been through. If you ever want to talk about it i'm here and i'm here to help you. Okay Jimin?" Yoongi said in a understanding tone even though he knew himself he would probably never truly understand how Jimin was feeling.

"T-thank you." was all Jimin could bring himself to say as he sat up and wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck.

Yoongi was slightly surprise that Jimin was not only initiating the hug but that he was hugging him so tightly and actually said something when he wasn't scared.

Yoongi saw that as a lot of progress in just a few hours and he was happy with it but not happy with how damaged the boy seemed to be.

He returned the hug and they stayed like that for a while until it appeared that Jimin had fully calmed down.

"Jiminie, i'll let you finish getting dressed now." Yoongi said as he pulled away.

He slid Jimin off his lap and stood up saying "I'll be right on the other side of this door, if you need help just ask."

He left the room, leaving a pouty Jimin on the floor who was giving his pants evils since he already knew he couldn't get them off.

Either way he decided he'd try again for Yoongi.

He re-adjusted his hat before aggressively pulling at the pants again trying to get them to move but it was no good.

He couldn't figure out why they weren't going down.

He tried again or another five minutes until he heard a gentle knock on the door.

"Are you okay Jiminie?" Yoongi called through the door waiting or a response.

Jimin debated whether or not if he should keep trying or ask for help.

In the end he decided to open the door.

Yoongi looked concerned at first but then it changed to a expression of confusion.

"They won't come off." Jimin complained, showing Yoongi by trying to pull them down.

Yoongi wanted to laugh badly but could tell by the look of frustration on Jimin's face that he seriously couldn't figure out why.

Jimin was staring at the pants he was wearing like they were the worst things on earth so Yoongi couldn't choke back his chuckle.

Jimin pouted at him since he was laughing but Yoongi really couldn't help it, luckily he managed to stop before Jimin got really mad.

"Come here Jimin." Yoongi said gesturing for the reluctant boy to come over.

Jimin did so and crossed his arms with his pout intensifying

"I'm sorry Jiminie, it's not funny." Yoongi apologised then asked "Would you like some help?"

Jimin looked up at his face so Yoongi tried to look as sincere as he could so Jimin said "It's okay and yes please..."

Yoongi nodded and lifted Jimin's jumper, well his jumper but ya know, asking Jimin to "Hold this up please."

Jimin did as he was told so Yoongi crouched down so he could see better.

He undid the belt with ease, removing it and throwing it off to the side, then going to the zipper.

He didn't really care about doing stuff like this but he still looked up to make sure Jimin was okay with it, which he was.

He undid the button which was obviously too big for the hole it was put in but he managed to undo it with slight difficulty.

He then went to the crappy zippy which took a few tries to get off.

Even if Jimin knew what he was doing he'd probably still struggle.

"Try pull them down now Jimin." Yoongi said as he got up off the floor.

Jimin did as he was told and tried, pouting slightly when he remembered how tight the top part was when they pulled them on him that morning.

With a bit more force and wiggling he got them down and stepped out of them with a bright smile.

"I'm free!" Jimin said with chuckles causing Yoongi to chuckle too before he noticed something.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asked seeing Yoongi's thinking expression, although he didn't know it was that.

"I don't know how I should cut those pant's to get your tail in them." Yoongi said practically mumbling.

Jimin still heard.

He instantly gasped and curled up on the floor scared he was going to be yelled at.

Yoongi was surprised by the reaction until he realised Jimin had been hiding his tail and ears.


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