Part 10: Tour

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Yoongi gently held onto Jimin's hand, rubbing circles onto the back of the others hand with his thumb to try and make him more confident as he led him forward.

"So Jiminie this right here, where we've just walked from is the entrance. Where you exit and enter the apartment to go out and explore the world." Yoongi said nodding back towards the door.

He turned around causing Jimin to turn to and nodded to one of the walls which had a door on it.

"That's a closet where we keep guests clothes and shoes and bags and stuff as well as the washer and dryer since there's enough room if they get piled."

Once they moved away from the pretty small entrance area Yoongi watched as Jimin's jaw dropped slightly causing him to smile proudly at his home.

"This is a open space. So we have the kitchen, dining room and living room all on here pretty much and up there is the bedroom and a bathroom. The windows don't open so don't worry to much about falling or them breaking because they are reinforced... andddd I think that's it?" Yoongi said since there's not really much to show.

Yoongi looked up longingly at his room thinking about his bed before it clicked "Oh and I'm sorry Jiminie but we're going to have to share a bed for now until I can either convert or build an additional room here or we move assuming you want to stay with me that long since I can't make you. Is that okay?"

Jimin nodded again shuffling slightly closer to Yoongi as he looked around the room curiously.

"Is there anything you'd like to know Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he yawned.

Jimin nodded his head quickly as he point towards the TV which was hung on the wall above the fireplace.

"The TV?" Yoongi asked causing Jimin to tilt his head.

"Do you not know what that is?" Yoongi asked getting the same answer.

"A TV plays videos on a big screen. It's to keep people entertained. Would you like to watch some now?" Yoongi explained, reviving a eager nod to his question.

Yoongi took Jimin over the the couch before sitting on it himself waiting for Jimin to sit but he never did.

"You can sit down too Jiminie." Yoongi pointed out when it became clear the boy didn't realise he could, which only was further shown with how quickly he became seated.

He sat right on the edge and let his legs sway back and forth until Yoongi turned the TV on and it captured his attention immediately.

Yoongi decided to just leave what ever was on last on the screen because it couldn't be that bad and luckily he was right and it was some cartoon.

He didn't really care about what was going on in the show so let himself drift back off to sleep since he was so rudely awoken earlier.

Yoongi had gone back to sleep but when he woke up he was met with something he didn't expect.

Jimin was curled up in a ball on the floor, silently crying to himself.

Yoongi was groggy but quickly fully came to his senses since he was now fully rested and immediately went on to the floor to comfort the boy.

"Hey... hey now... what's wrong? Can you tell Yoongi hyung what's wrong?" Yoongi asked rubbing a circle into Jimin's shoulder.

Unexpectedly Jimin dives forward and cling onto Yoongi as he cried out "Y-Y-Y-Yoongi hyung~"

Yoongi was pretty sure he felt his own heart break but proceeded and held the boy to him, hugging him as close as the others wanted until he calmed down enough and pointed at the TV when Yoongi once again asked "What's wrong?"

Yoongi looked up and decided to actually pay attention for a moment and realised he left Caroline in which was pretty much a horror film worthy of traumatising anyone.

Yoongi for some reason felt a extra pang of guilt as he turned the tv off like was supposed to remember something that would've made the film choice worse.

"Your scared of needles..." Yoongi said in a dead pan voice once he realised how additionally stupid he had been.

Jimin nodded and stuttered the word "S-Scary." As he cried into Yoongi's chest.

Yoongi wasn't to sure what to say or do to help so just settle for resting his hand on Jimin's hat covered head, about to play with the boys hair to comfort him until he realised something when he felt a twitch against his hand.

Jimin was hiding his ears and tail.

However that wasn't his priority in that moment, helping Jimin was.

He turned off the TV and pulled Jimin closer into his chest rocking him slightly back and forth until he calmed down.

"Would you like to watch something different on the TV?" Yoongi asked and Jimin immediately shook his head which made him feel guilty.

He'd probably traumatised Jimin with the TV now and he felt bad because of it.

But still he had to keep Jimin distracted as he sent off some emails.

"How about I let you play some games on my phone?"

Jimin looked hesitant but nodded as Yoongi handed over the small device which looked giant in Jimin's smol hands and explained how to use it.

After Jimin got the hang of it Yoongi went over to the island where his laptop was and started sending his emails.

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