I shouldve taken the stairs(Pt1)

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Of course. Of course this would happen. I should've taken the stairs. I honestly don't feel like confronting him right now. I know i have a lot of feelings but he definitely isn't the one i need to tell. I'm so confused and it's all because of Elliot. Really? Elliot is all people? Who would've thought. I stepped into the elevator reluctantly and I swear i'm gonna die. I have to talk about it or else it'll be weird, right? yeah I have to.

He's being so silent. I knew i messed up.
"So about what happened up there..." Marcus said awkwardly. Does he want to talk? what should i say? do i tell him i did it on purpose? No,no, no what am i thinking.  I turned to him and raised my eyebrow,
"what about it?" i say in a slight joking matter. Marcus chuckles and says,
"But really, you did that on accident...Right?" Honestly i'm wondering if he's asking to confirm or if he feels the same. Never mind i need to play it cool.
"Yeah of course, got a little to close for comfort for me, you know?" I said laughing at the end. Marcus laughed a little. Marcus' phone dings. My phone dings.

"Cool just had to know" I said. What is wrong with me? i should be so relieved right now that it was an accident...that he would never kiss me...that it's a dumb idea. I'm doing it again. why do i keep thinking about him. What is going on... What is happening with me... What is happening with my feelings... What is taking this elevator so long! Oh i forgot my phone.
CLICK GC😎:(grace) Is anyone in the elevator? I keep clicking it and it won't work. I think it's delayed
If this elevator is delayed right now i swear.
"Is it just me or are we not moving?" Elliot said.
"Check the group chat..." i say.

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