Chapter 8: The Delusions Of A Dreamer?

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Obi-Wan slumped on the pilot's seat as he piloted the ship towards the hangar. Mandalore. Of course, he knew he eventually would have come here, but that didn't mean that it made it any easier.

That terrible day on Mandalore would forever be etched in his memory.

The buildings were on fire. He could hear people screaming but he couldn't help them. He felt so numb, as Bo-Katan pushed him onto the ship, yelling at him. Only one thought ran in his mind. He had failed Satine. He had never told Satine that he loved her, still loved here. But it was too late now.

He shook his head, trying to clear away the painful memories. Breathe, he told himself. His Satine was here, she was alive and Obi-Wan vowed to protect her. This time, Maul was dead.

This time, Satine would live.

——— ————

Obi-Wan strode into the palace, willing himself to stay calm. To distract himself, Obi-Wan forced himself to look straight ahead, keeping his eyes straight ahead.

Do not look around, do not think about the last time you were here, do not think about Maul. He repeated to himself, turning the words over in his head.

"General Kenobi!" Prime Minister Almec hurried out from the side of the grand hall.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Prime Minister Almec." Obi-Wan greeted, shaking the Almec's hand, rather glad for the distraction.

Almec smiled wryly. "I welcome you as the servant of the people but I am troubled by the false rumours that brought you here." He said, his smile faltering slightly. He turned around, gesturing for Obi-Wan to follow him.

They walked in silence for a while, before Almec suddenly spoke up. "Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. Duchess Satine values peace over her own life."

"I'm quite aware of the Duchess's views." Obi-Wan said, thinking back on how Satine absolutely detested violence.

"Master Kenobi," Almec stopped, turning around to face the Jedi. "The Mandalore violent past is behind us. Our warriors were all exiled to the moon Concordia. They all died out." He shook his head. "Years ago."

"Are you certain?" Obi-Wan asked, sceptically. "I recently encountered a man wearing Mandalorian armour. Jango Fett."

Almec scowled. "Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armour is beyond me."

"Master Kenobi." Another voice spoke up.

Obi-Wan spun around, immediately recognising the voice, his legs going weak suddenly, as he drank in the sight of Satine standing there. Alive.

"Duchess." He murmured.

"My shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again." The Duchess said, before walking forward gracefully and sitting on her throne, her throne lighting up with softly glowing pastel colours.

"After all these years, you look more beautiful than ever." Obi-Wan managed to say, willing himself to keep his voice calm.

How he managed to do it was frankly quite beyond him.

"Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery." Satine answered, her gaze falling sharply on him.

Obi-Wan winced. "I would not accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess." He said, walking forward. "However, a Separatist saboteur attacked one of our Republic cruisers."

He paused. "A Mandalorian saboteur."

He held out his hand, and a hologram appeared, showing a man in Mandalorian armour running and shooting.

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