
It's not until I get off work at one that I actually send a reply to Isabelle.

To: Isabelle, 1:01 PM
Hey, sorry. Work got crazy busy. I'd love to ride this afternoon. I was planning on going out to see my boy anyway. What time?

I wave to Janice as I make my way to leave. "If anything comes up, phone Adam." I call out with a laugh. Janice joins in and waves me off.

   "Have a great rest of your day, Abby?" She calls back as I pull open the glass door. My phone buzzes in my hand as I'm stepping outside into the now very warm afternoon.

From: Isabelle, 1:05 PM
No worries. I was thinking 2?

I mentally calculate how long it'll take me to get home, eat, get changed, and get to Coven Valley. An hour should be enough time.

To: Isabelle, 1:06 PM
Sure. Two sounds good. I'll see you then.

She immediately replies with a thumbs up emoji and I can't help but chuckle. I shove my phone into my front pocket before I unlock my car and climb in. For one heart stopping moment, I think it won't start, but then the engine turns over and it coughs to life. I glance around to see if anyone noticed, but thankfully the surrounding sidewalks are all completely void of life. I quickly pull out onto the road and head home. Along the way, I debate the merits of just stopping somewhere for take-out. I see a Subway up ahead and my decision is basically made for me. I pull off the road and into the parking lot. For a second, I consider leaving my car running, but decide against it. Gotta do my part to help save the environment and all.

Thankfully, I've just missed the lunch rush, so I'm back in my car less than ten minutes later. My car starts okay this time, much to my relief. Well, as okay as it ever does. I don't need another heart attack today, thank you. I'm home about five minutes later, pulling up to a stop at the curb out front. The house looks deserted, and there are no cars in the driveway, so if my parents came home for lunch then they're already gone.

Just as I suspected, the house is empty as I go inside. I toss my purse and keys onto the small entrance table before continuing to the dining room and placing my sandwich on the table, then making my way into the kitchen to put my water bottle in the fridge. No lunch bag today since it was a short work day.

I take the stairs two at a time as I go up, speed walking down to my room. I close the door behind me, despite being alone, and cross the floor to my dresser. I pull out a clean pair of tan breeches and an airy tank top. I know I've seen riders at Coven Valley wearing tank tops before so I shouldn't get in trouble for wearing no sleeves. I know some trainers get very fussy over horse and rider turn out. I quickly strip out of my work clothes and change into my riding outfit. I eye my sports bra with distaste, but slip it on none-the-less. Once changed, I make my way back out into hall. I stop quickly to use the bathroom before going back downstairs.

In the kitchen, I grab a small plate and carry it with me into the dining room. I set it down before sinking into the chair in front of it. Reaching to my left, I grab my sub and pull it out of the small plastic bag. Unwrapping it, I nearly drool. It just looks and smells so amazing. My stomach growls as I re-wrap half of it up for later and place the other half on my plate. I practically inhale the thing once I realize just how hungry I really am, and only a few short minutes later I'm taking my uneaten half back into the kitchen to put in the fridge. I take out the water jug while I'm at it and fill one of my mother-approved barn water bottles. Once satisfied that my sandwich is hidden from my father's unending hungry eyes, I go back to the front door.

I slip my wearing out barn shoes on before grabbing a light jacket from behind the door. Just in case. I slip my purse back onto my shoulder, grab my keys, and leave my house maybe twenty minutes after entering it. I debate texting Isabelle to let her know that I'm on my way, but decide against it. She'll figure out I'm there pretty quickly. Our neighbour's dog barks at me as I make my way down to my car. I look over my shoulder at the almost brindle French Bulldog and wave.

   "Hi, Victor!" I call, immediately quieting his barks. I find the fact that this dog and Dani's boyfriend share the same name to be quite amusing. For some reason, he didn't share my opinion.

Once at my car, I toss my jacket and purse onto the passenger seat then start the engine. I wince as it whines pitifully. 'I really, really do need to get this thing looked at.' I tell myself, making a mental note to talk to my dad about it when he gets home from work tonight. 'If I see him at all.' His long hours have been hitting him hard and lately he merely comes home, grabs a quick bite to eat, then heads off to bed early. I find myself missing my dad more and more each day.

Shaking the thought from my head, I buckle up then cue up Coven Valley in my phone's GPS. Thankfully, traffic is light, so I get there twenty minutes later. There's surprisingly a lesson going on in the ring beside the driveway. I think I recognize Madison out in the centre of the ring, which surprises me more. I thought she only coached the more competitive, higher level girls, but the lady on the chestnut is probably late thirties and simply trotting poles on the ground. I "huh" out loud but brush it off as I reach the parking lot. I recognize Isabelle's baby blue Cruze out front already.

I park a few cars down from her and get out, closing my door carefully to avoid accidentally spooking anyone's horse. The cooler air in the barn is a welcome change as I walk in through the open end door. I spot Bleu down in one of the wash racks down on the right side of the aisle. As I approach, I see Isabelle bent down by her back leg, scrubbing furiously with a purple tinted shampoo. One of the many reasons that I am so glad that my horse isn't grey.

Isabelle looks up at the sound of my approaching footsteps and grins. "Hey! You made it." I feel myself grin back, lifting my left hand in a half wave.

   "I'll be right back." I tell her. "Gotta go grab my boy." She nods, going back to soaping out a poop stain as I continue on to the tack room. Grabbing Starr's halter, I go back down to the large door at the end and step back out into the sunshine. Turning right, I make my way to the paddocks where Starr currently lives.

His head pops up as I approach, making my heart swell with love. I honestly can't imagine my life without this guy. "Hey, Buddy. How are you today? I've missed you." I ramble as I slip inside his paddock. He snorts softly before walking over to me, nudging my shoulder gently in greeting. "Aww, did you miss me too?" He bobs his head for a second or two before letting me put his halter on. "Of course you did." I laugh. "You don't get treats when I'm not around."

I lead him out, once again closing the gate behind us, before leading him back toward the barn. His hooves clunk against the cement aisle way as we step inside. Bleu looks our way and whinnies a greeting. Starr calls one right back. As we reach the cross-ties, me leading Starr into the farthest one on the left from the door, Isabelle walks back out of the tack room with Bleu's boots in hand.

   "I wasn't gonna jump today if that's okay." She says as she walks by. I nod as I clip the cross-ties to Starr's halter.

   "Yeah, that's fine. I generally only flat him when I'm not riding in lessons anyway." Isabelle shoots us a smile.

   "Cool. Me too." I quickly pull his fly sheet off, stowing it on top of my tack locker, before grabbing my brushes and quickly running them over his glossy coat. Isabelle and I make idle chit-chat as we both get ready, and I find that talking to her comes very easily to me now that I've actually given her a chance. At the back of my mind, I acknowledge that those vague butterflies back, but decide that I'm just excited to ride my handsome boy again. Although, they seem to get more intense the more Isabelle smiles at me.

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