Chapter F O U R T Y - E I G H T

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- Oliver's POV -

It wasn't a shocker I had abandonment issues.

I was the product of a mistake. A mistake so great that I was given up on and not even given a chance. I was lucky to be adopted by the people who did. It could have been worse. I've read all the books and seen all the movies - I was Oliver Twist, not a Child Called It. But that's only part of it, a small part. No one tells adopted kids how to feel about their biological parents, how the feelings of abandonment will never leave you alone, or how to cope when your girlfriend is leaving for almost two months.

I felt uneasy about it. I couldn't distinguish if I was hurt or numb, or expecting this. All I felt was an uneasy feeling, impending doom close by.

I examined her eyes but all I saw was regret starring back at me and I could place the root. Me? Leaving?

I felt myself subconsciously pushing her away and building my walls back up instead of asking. I let people decide if they were willing. No amount of flirting or asking questions was going to give me the answers I wanted. Everyone assumed I was just a new, quieter version of myself post-rehab. I really just didn't care to force anything anymore.

Everyone was used to the version that sucked up every substance around me. Those substances had a way of making me louder, sloppier, and forcing everyone who came in contact with me into uncomfortable confessions. Being sober I learned nothing is authentic if you force it.

I didn't even leave the coffee shop on time to make it to my next class on time. I was too distracted. I didn't even bother to rush.

A class was the lowest priority since her bad news a few hours ago. Caden was in this waste of time math class I had to take. It was the only upside at this point of my whole day.

I walked in late without a single book or pen. I only came equipped with my second coffee of the day and a bad attitude.

Caden leaned forward slapping my shoulder wondering what my problem was when I ignored his presence. "You good?"

I kept my eyes looking forward shaking my head knowing I wasn't able to whisper while angry. She had miraculous timing considering I had to take an exam now. It wasn't her fault but placing the blame felt like a relief.

She just got here and she was already going home? Was Hunter going home too?

Caden manipulated his way into trading seats with the person in front of him. Basically pushing him out of his way once he agreed to stand up and switch. Caden leaned over again, "She dump you or something?"

I looked at him with enough anger his hand went up in an offensive move. He stayed quiet most of the exam. He knew if he pissed me off enough I would leave, leaving him stranded to figure out math himself.

I threw my paper down on our instructor's desk hoping to leave Caden behind me. He's been an athlete his whole life, making dodging other students look easy. I stayed in front of him until I was nearly at my car. He suddenly appeared leaning against my car door while I was busy looking for him behind me.

"You really thought you could put run me? I play basketball bro."

I knew he wouldn't move and I wasn't climbing through the passenger side just to get in my car. Instead, I leaned against the hood next to him pulling out my cigarettes.

"She's going back home for the holiday."

I expected his laughter to come hurling from his mouth. I was shocked to hear nothing but an exhale of smoke. "How long," was all he asked.

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