Chapter Fourty-Three

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We spent the whole day in bed just talking. Neither of us noticed the TV on mute the entire time. I felt like I had given him my journal and he knew every personal thought, every dark secret, and everything in-between. It had never felt so easy to be that vulnerable with anyone.

He dropped me off at the dorms and I had to convince him not to walk me to the door. Instead, he settled for lighting the end of a cigarette as he learned against his car watching me.

I couldn't help but wonder, why me? Elizabeth was beautiful and accomplished. Jade was mysterious and trouble. He had the best of both worlds at one point when he landed on me. An innocent face, corrupted soul, quiet, and restrained from losing too much control.

I clearly was still learning to love myself, or maybe I loved myself and just couldn't picture anyone else loving me the same way.

Elizabeth was writing on someone's whiteboard hanging from their door in my hallway when I spotted her. The heavy door wasn't going to close quietly. I should have taken the elevator. I wasn't avoiding her but I knew I wasn't a premier liar, even my white lies were paper thin. I didn't want her to ask where I came from.

She spotted me once the door completely closed with enough gusto to alert her senses, "Hey Layla! What's up? How was your weekend? You were at Ollie's right?"

I stayed still so still I thought I froze my face from reacting in any way.

She laughed linking arms with me, "It's okay, I know he's different with you and we didn't work out. We were doomed."

She seemed worlds apart from the last time I saw her, fragile and in need of rescuing. I questioned the sincerity but she was too upbeat to see any underlining emotions that could conflict her words. I tried to switch gears by asking about her weekend as I pushed my own door open.

She sat down on the extra bed I converted into a sofa covered with pillows and cushions for moments like this. She held a pillow smiling, "Well, funny you ask, I met a guy. Well not met, met, we kind of knew each other already but I ran into him at the coffee shop."

I watched her smile spread and her eyes light up. My heart instantaneously fluttered for her. I was happy she was able to leave a tortured past behind and start fresh.

Everyone should get that chance.

I asked her who he was, his name, if he was a student, every basic I knew she'd want to gush over even if she already told Hayley.

"His name is Leon. He was a student here and president of the Frat before he graduated last year. He was getting coffee before work. He's so dreamy, Layla! I can't even help myself!"

I knew what she met. Every time I saw Oliver I had to actively keep my face from becoming not only red but overheating at an alarming rate too.

I had to stop myself from catching her smile until her demeanor changed rapidly. Sitting forward she hugged one of the pillows, "I know you're getting close with Oliver but please don't mention Leon. They never liked each other. Even before he came back from rehab."

It wasn't odd to mention, how else would people know things are in confidence.

I put two and two together, making the assumption Leon was most likely the guy he caught sleeping with Elizabeth after rehab. I felt my loyalty being questioned as I kept quiet instead of offering some dramatic expression.

I felt torn, all I wanted to do was give Oliver a heads up but Elizabeth was my friend.

She told me all about Leon for the next hour until she asked me how it was going with Oliver. I could see Leon easily fitting in with their group. I don't know if he had some heavy past like the rest of us but his personality sounded strong just like each of them. To be a president of anything, does that require some narcissism?

The Best Years: Year One, Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now