"Beautiful," I open my eyes once more and look into his blue eyes that matched the sky above him.

"Is it abandoned?"

"Well no one really visits this castle as much except me, its like my get away from the world and my prince duties. It's where I can be free without worrying about what example I set," he wasn't talking to me anymore, his eyes distant as he conversed to the castle that loomed proudly over us.

"Barry," his eyes snap back down at me and the smallest smile makes its way on his face.

"You are so adorable and short and I just want to squeeze your cheeks!" He yelps when my sole meets his foot, no one calls me adorable except my Dad.

"I am not adorable! I am a mature young lady who knows how to properly look after herself. Yes I know I watch the Flash a lot and its childish but-" he leans down and lets his forehead touch mine, moves something from my face and puts it up to my face to see, a small bug. I would have panicked if he casually told me a bug was lingering on my face and I appreciated him removing it casually without making me panic, but I was now panicking because of the close proximity that made me want to get a big whiff of whatever he smelled of that seemed highly luring at that moment. The fact the tip of his nose was rubbing against mine wasn't helping either. I hold in my breath as his calm breathing pats my lips. My eyes move down to his lips, slightly open.

"Move away dude," I whisper not knowing what to say until my slow brain functions minutes laters.

I move away and once again look down at my shoes in embarrassment, tucking away the loose strands of hair behind my ear. That was weird, why would he lean in like that? I bounce on my heels and look up at him, my face full of embarrassment and my cheeks flushed with some unexpected heat but he just stood there with this small smile on his face, looking down at me like I was a little kid.

"Lets go," I shakily take his outstretched hand, still very much embarrassed but he quickly responds by tightly gripping my small palm in his and pulling me towards the large wooden doors of the castle that stood proudly before us.

"Are we alone?" I raise my eyebrows at the black car that was parked further away from the castle.

"No," I nod. He was the Prince of England, of course he needed bodyguards.

"Bodyguards for my lady's protection," so cheesy.

"Welcome to thy Castle that I have no idea what it is called," I laugh as he pushes open the heavy doors revealing the golden room which once again took my breath away. The chandelier hanged low, not looking very promising but nevertheless beautiful as it lit the room with golden light. The walls... my I have never seen walls as tall as these, four pillars with swirling patterns of grapevines and flowers supported the walls, or maybe they were just for decoration I didn't really know anything about architecture anymore. I look over at the marble staircase that swiveled up to the first floor, they were probably the longest stairs I had ever seen. This felt like an actual castle pulled right out of a movie.

"I feel like I am in a movie," I laugh, my laughter bouncing off the mighty walls and echoing back.

"A dance my lady?"

"No! I am tired! Give me a shirt and let me go to bed, we shall dance later Prince Maximus," he sarcastically rolls his eyes and leads the way to wherever a bed was cause I was exhausted.

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