Part 2 - The Statue Of Dr. Kang (I)

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The Armstrong had arrived in orbit of Taweret three standard hours ago, and it had finally completed its full spectrum scan of the world below. Preliminary scans didn't indicate any signs of human civilization, but they would only be able to detect signs of relatively advanced technology. Without a full sweep it was impossible to rule out the presence of regressed humans.

As it turned out that might have been exactly what they found.

"At this level of development all I can do is make an educated guess," said Marceaux, sitting at his shiny new operations console. "Maybe K 0.4, tops. Probably closer to K 0.3 or even 0.2."

"Definitely human?" asked Captain Littlecrow, standing from her command throne in the center of the bridge.

"Well it's something intelligent," said Marceaux, "or at least highly organized. Occam's razor and all that."

The large viewing screen at the center of the bridge showed an image of the planet below. It looked slightly washed out in color but it was distinctly Earth-like.

"Well if that's the case it makes sense why there has been no response to any attempts at communication," said the Captain. "At that level of technological development they won't have anything capable of talking to us. I suppose we should send down a team to try and make personal contact. Lieutenant-Commander Mitzner?" asked the Captain.

"Aye Captain?" asked Mitzner.

"Assemble a team. You're taking the Science Department down to the planet to try and make contact," said the Captain, "and if I learn that you shared weapons technology with these people I'm not going to be able to protect you this time. It would be a serious detriment to our mission if we had to return to Mars already for another trial."

"You don't have to worry about me, Captain," said Mitzner. "I learned my lesson."

Commander Gibson would have liked to make a snide comment, but so far he was escaping notice and he wasn't keen to remind the Captain of the role he had played in that affair.

"Make it so, then," said the Captain.

* * *

The team was loaded up into the Vostok, Mitzner's favorite shuttle, and the Lieutenant-Commander was running a systems check. Beside her in the co-pilot's chair sat Ensign Gul, the only crew member outside of the Science Department she had bothered to bring along.

Dr. Kang, Mitzner's least favorite person, sat in the back along with the rest of the Science Department: Ensigns Wagner and McAfree. Although everyone was so used to McAfree being non-Foundation that nobody ever called her by rank.

"Don't crash the shuttle this time," advised McAfree.

"I'll think about it," Mitzner deadpanned.

The shuttle was it top condition and ready to launch. Mitzner took hold of the controls, slowly brought the AG online causing the shuttle to float into the air, then sent it firing through the long tunnel to the Shuttle Bay airlock whip-fast and out into open space.

The tiny ship disappeared into the atmosphere of the planet Taweret while the Armstrong still loomed above it.

* * *

The Vostok touched down on a rocky cliff beside an eerily calm, moonless Ocean. It was a defensible enough spot and it would offer a good view of a nearby population center they spotted from above.

The door to the Vostok was open and Mitzner stood at the edge of the cliff looking at the city, or whatever it was, on the edge of the Ocean. Gul stood by the door to the shuttle, looking around uncomfortably.

The Science Department remained in the shuttle. Wagner had taken Gul's old seat in the co-pilot's chair and was using the shuttle's modest scanners to see what he could learn about the population center. This wasn't much. Dr. Kang and McAfree, as usual, weren't doing much of anything.

"We should approach on foot," said Mitzner. "There's no reason to upset anyone unnecessarily with our shuttle."

"Upset?" yelled McAfree from the shuttle.

She came running out, falling over herself. Dr. Kang wasn't far behind her.

"Who will be upset by our advanced technology?" Dr. Kang Demanded. "Awe! That's the feeling these barbarians will experience when they see us! Why give up that advantage?"

He stepped out of the shuttle.

"Because we're explorers," explained Mitzner, "not..."

"Conquistadors?" offered McAfree.

"That doesn't sound like Martian," said Mitzner, turning to her.

"It's Spanish, it's one of the root languages," insisted McAfree.

"This is not germane to the discussion," said Dr. Kang.

"There is no discussion," said Mitzner "I'm in command of this team. I say we're approaching by foot. Your objection is noted. Now go get your equipment."

Dr. Kang glared at her, then yelled back at the shuttle.

"You heard her Wagner," he said, "get the equipment!"

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