Know No Better

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Mera POV
I've never doubted myself the way I do now,I honestly thought I could change him but I can't and I got these warnings and caution from people but I just didn't listen I'm so tired of trying to play it safe or give people chances it's just not worth it and for what I know there is no way I'm getting I'm letting my self down for a second just for a guy.
Since I was so in my feelings and sad I faked sick so I couldn't go to school and it was a hard fight trying to prove my mom.

"Mera are you sure you don't wanna go to school today"my mom said while sitting on my bed
"Yes mom I'll get my notes from my friends"I said in my best sick voice
"Ok I'ma head to work now there's ice cream in the freezer if you want"
"Ok mommy"I said in my baby voice
She kissed my forehead and walked out of my room and headed to work.

While I was deep in my thoughts on my bed staring at the ceiling a message appeared on my phone,
It was a message from Ciara

Ciara💋:Mera where you at, you missed biology class.
Mera💙:I'm sick😷
Ciara💋:Sick my ass you better get yo black ass to school.
Mera💙:C I'm serious.
Ciara💋:Yeah and I'm serious too and what are you sick with.
Mera💙:A high fever and a nasty. cold
Ciara💋: Perfect combination of my grandma's favorite sick soup that'll help you in just a quick second.

I started to laugh and thinking C must be tripping.

Ciara💋:I'll be right over there to make it for you.
Mera💙:Noo C I'm fine I don't need no soup
Ciara💋:But if you don't, you might even get worst.
Mera💙:I'm fine I'll be better before you get over here.
Ciara💋:Ok I'll bring some company
Mera💙:Like who?
Ciara💋: You'll see

I ended our conversation and I got my lazy ass out of the bed. I took a long cold shower and got dressed in something grey and comfortable

After that I went in the kitchen and made myself breakfast,while doing that the doorbell rang.
I went to see who it was and it was Ciara and Aaron.
"I thought you guys were gonna come here after school"I said
"Nah we wanted to keep you company"said Ciara
"So who's taking y'all notes"I asked
"Tina"said both of them at the same time

I let them in and they immediately made there way in my living room.

"So why don't you wanna come to school"Aaron asked
"I'm sick....ish"I said lying
"You know I'm still down to make the sick soup for ya"Ciara said excitedly
"Ok I'm not sick"I confessed
"So why ditch school like that"Aaron asked
"I don't wanna see Jay's ugly ass"

They both started laughing

"Who gave you the knowledge of sight"said Aaron
"Yeah and some senses"said Ciara
"Says the girl that was head over heels in love with the ugly ass person we're talking about"I said
"It was one time"she said
"Well it still counts"I said
"Whatever my eyes are on somebody else"she said
"Wow really?"Aaron asked
"Yeah your not my little crush anymore,we cool as friends"she said
"Wow that hurts"he said while touching his heart
"So who's the guy"I asked
"I told you he doesn't want anyone know about him or us"
"Well one way or another I'm gonna find out"I said

"So while we're here let's talk about you guys"said Ciara
"Talk about what"I asked
"Talk about how Aaron likes you and you have some feelings for him but you don't know how to explain it"she blurred out
"Uhhhhhhh"said both Aaron and I
"C'mon I'm not gonna be y'all cupid so in the meantime your gonna talk while I'll be in the kitchen looking for something to eat"she said as she got up and made her way to the kitchen.

Aaron POV
Mera and I were by ourselves in the living room in silence until I said this
"So your feelings are unexplainable"
"Yup, it's just how I am"
"So why don't you try and express them"
"It's hard"
"Did you try"
"No I know it's not gonna work"
"How would you know if you don't try"
"I just.........I just can't"
"Ok ok I won't force you, but one day it's gonna happen"
"Whatever you say weirdo"

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