It Hurts Me to Think That You've Ever Cried

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Author's Note: Hey guys! I'm new to writing these fan fictions but I hope you enjoy it! :)  Btw, this is copywrited. Don't steal my story ;) (Not that it's gonna be good enough that someone would wanna steal xD)


Something went wrong on March 15, 1992. Let's just say I'm not supposed to be here. My name's Heather. I'm supposedly a miracle child but I don't find the story so amazing. This person I'm ashamed to call my mother apparently got drunk one night, had sex with 5 guys that day and boom. She gets pregnant. I guess she's never heard of that thing called protection. Anyways, my mom didn't want me so she had an abortion but "lucky me" somehow, someway I survived. I don't even know the whole story or what's even the truth but even to this day I  don't know which one of those 5 guys is my fucking father.  But, that rarely comes across my mind since I now am currently living in a foster center with Mrs. Harris in Ocala, Florida. She's more of a mother than my real one is. I'm currently 17 and the oldest kid here at the center. Woohoo! -.- I mainly just help around since there is no one my age. There's about 45 kids in all, but only one of them cares about me. Her name's Skylar. She's 15. I call her Sky for short and she likes to call me Ground as a joke xD I always hear her talk about this band One Direction but I've never seemed to care about them, not even one of those 5 guys, until now.

Author's Note: I don't mean to annoy you with these author note things but I'd love it so much if I could get feedback! && I'm probably going to upload Chapter 1 tonight :)

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