thirty-six questions 》inotorious

Start from the beginning


As the night went on, more jokes were shared and strange questions were asked. "They're pretty detailed- or unique- whatever you say." Matt had pointed out after the 9th question, to which you agreed to. They were becoming more and more intense, and you hesitated answering the 11th question: Take four minutes and tell your partner your life story in as much detail as possible. It was intense, but you managed to keep it as light-hearted as you could - you had only met Matt two hours ago, and now you both knew about each other's life stories?! Well, at least a part of it.
"These are fucking intense." You muttered.
"I know. Don't answer the questions if they're really that bad." Matt replied, smiling a bit to comfort you. You smiled back, thankful that he was respectful about it.
More time passed, and finally there was a question you both didn't know how to answer. What is your most terrible memory? You gulped as you felt the air around the both of you thicken in anxiety. You glanced over to Matt, who was looking at his hands, debating whether or not he should tell you what the answer was. 'He went first for most of the questions. He didn't even press when I told him there were parts of my life I didn't want to share. I should spare him a bit.' You thought to yourself, taking a deep breath before letting go, your shoulders drooping. You clapped your hands together, getting Matt grounded again.
"Okay. Since F/N hasn't spared us, and since you've answered most of the questions first, I'll answer this one before you." You smiled at him, which made him nod slightly. "Buckle up kiddos, it's a ride." You muttered as you looked at the ground, starting to regret your decision. Oh well.
"When I was a kid, I got into a lot of fights at school. Since I'm not from here, and since most of the students weren't very... nice with outsiders, they started picking on me. My dad had always told me to keep fighting, and I think I took that saying too literally. But instead of the kids picking on me getting in trouble, I was the one to take the piss. Principal's office was practically a second home, detention was almost every day, and I barely got good grades." You took a deep breath before continuing. "My parents got real angry at me. Tensions were always high with my parents before that, because my mom's mom was sick, and we all knew she wouldn't make it no matter how hard we tried. My mom was pretty fucked over from that, and I seemed to make it worse with all the fights I got into. One night, I came back home more bruised and bloodied than ever before, and that's when my mom snapped and ran out the house. She got hit by a speeding car as she was crossing the street. Her leg, along with ribs, femur and arm were broken. She's fine now, of course, but that shit really fucked me over. After that, I asked my dad to switch schools because I didn't want something similar to happen ever again." You let out a long sigh as you finished, and looked over to Matt.
"Jesus. Y/N, that's not your fault at all." Matt scooched his chair over closer to yours and tried to give you a side hug, pulling you into his side.
"Thanks." You mumbled, not knowing what to say. The hug felt nice.
Matt had gathered the courage to explain what his worst memory was, and after that, continued on with the questions after a lot of comforting and hugs. The tension in the air alleviated as you both started throwing in more jokes, getting more comfortable as time passed. In the end, you ended up on the couch, your legs on his lap as you continued reading off the questions. After question 36, you guys were done - or so you thought.
"Actually, I have a question of my own." Matt turned his body more over to face you, grabbing your attention from the paper which was now laying on your face.
"The paper says 36 questions to fall in love, not 37." You grinned at him as he chuckled at your stupid comment.
"Shut up and let me say my pickup line."
"Well know you've ruined it by saying that!"
"N/N oh my god shut the fuck up." You both laughed at that, before calming down and letting him go ahead.
"Can I have your number?" You smiled at him as he asked the question.
"Of course! I'll write it down on sticky note, and promise me you'll have my contact name as the one I have written down." He nodded, looking at the paper you had given him and smiling at your name, "36 Question Retard".
"Nice name," he chuckled. "should've seen it coming."
"I'm a very obvious person."


It must've been official that the 'test' was over when F/N came back, giggling as she heard the both of you laughing at another one of Matt's dumb comments.
"So I'm guessing it went well?" She interrupted your laughter.
"Dude your questions are fucking intense!" Matt exclaimed.
"Well I had to have you guys share the drama somehow."
"Of course we did. Of course."
"Anyways, I'm heading to bed since I'm fucking exhausted. Goodnight, idiots." F/N waved before disappearing from view.
"Oh damn, it's almost midnight. Guess I should head to bed as well." You looked over to the clock near you.
"Good idea." Matt replied, a bit bummed out you guys couldn't talk more. "Wanna hang out tomorrow?"
"Actually... I was thinking if we could go on a date? F/N was right for once, you actually are funny and nice and all the other things. I'd love to get to know you more, without the intense-ass questions and all." Matt smiled widely, nodding fast.
"Fuck yeah! But I honestly don't have much else to tell you, I literally shared my life story with you."
"Well then, enjoy each other's company. Maybe watch a movie?" You smiled back.
"Sounds like a plan."
As you walked him to the door, you tapped his shoulder before he could leave. Now or never, you thought to yourself as you pressed your lips against his, giving them a quick peck.
"Goodnight, Matt." You smiled tiredly as a blush made its way onto both of your faces.
"'night, Y/N." He said before kissing you, a bit longer than before. The feeling of his lips against yours lingered a bit, and you went to bed happily.
You didn't whine about not having a boyfriend ever again.


based off an article my friend sent me, here's the link!

- reese

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