1🌸. { Edited }

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Song - B.O. B and Taylor Swift.

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us
Some day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us...


Emma's POV.

" Make sure you call us the moment you get there, okay ?" Mom said for the umpteenth time today. Her eyes were glassy and her voice sounded so thick that I was sure she was going to going to cry any minute now. 

Although, it's not like I wasn't used to her getting so emotional whenever I was leaving home. The day I was leaving for college, she cried all the way from the driveway of our house till I settled into my dorm room. The same happened when I was leaving for my Master's Degree . I'm now convinced that she will never get used to me leaving home.

" I will Mom , I promise. Please don't cry." I said almost pleadingly. We were at the subway station and there were so many people in the platform waiting to catch the next train which would be here soon. The last thing I wanted was for Mom to draw all their attention with her loud and dramtic sobs. I am not a big fan of attention.

" I won't. I'm trying not to." She replied but her eyes betrayed her as a tears escaped the corners of them. She reached for her handkerchief in her purse very quickly and swiped the tears gliding down her cheeks." I wish he was here to say goodbye."

In that moment, my heart broke for her as I realized that this wasn't about me leaving home. It was a much more deeper pain she felt. A pain that had eaten deep into our family.  I took her hand and pulled her in for a hug that she must have needed so badly because I felt her bosom rise up and down heavily before she started sobbing softly on my shoulder. She couldn't hold it in any longer and I couldn't blame her. Asking her to hold back her tears at this point would be cruel of me. She had been through a lot in the past few months. We all had.

The truth is ; I wish he were here too. Dad also used to get emotional whenever I was leaving home.

" It's going to be okay." I whispered softly. I didn't even know if I believed that statement myself but for her own sanity, I hoped  that she believed  it. The moment Mom's head went up and my gaze met with her red , teary eyes, my heart fell to my stomach . My throat clogged up and I bit my lower lip just in time to stop myself from crying too.

Don't cry. Don't cry.

Getting out her handkerchief to wipe off her tears again, she gave me one of her frequent sad smiles.
" You're right. We'll get through it like we always do."

One thing about my Mom is that no matter how the going gets tough, she still always has hope for the best but staring into her tired eyes right now, I'm not sure if she truly she believes things are going to change for us. She looked so stressed that the wrinkles on her face were more prominent than ever. I didn't even want to get started on the dark circles around her eyes. It was probably from staying up last night. I knew that Mom had not been sleeping well for the past few days. She would either stay up crying or taking care of Dad. I pitied her. I longed for this suffering to end just for her sake because one thing I know is that it is  not easy to see the one you love in pain.

The moment I opened my mouth to suggest that I could just stay back in Golden Valley once again, I heard the approaching sound of the train and the screech of the brakes as it came to halt. I knew it was my train because the voice from the speaker announced that the train going to New York had arrived.

Was this fate ? Did the universe really not want me to stay back ? Well, if it didn't then it better not let anything happen to my Dad.  Mom looked into my eyes before taking my hand and walking me across the platform so that I could get on the train.

His Nanny { Rewriting }Where stories live. Discover now