Mr. Lee

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Today is Yoongi's birthday so in honor of that I'm going to celebrate with a multi-post day!  Yes, that's right, you guys get five updates this week.  Woo-hoo!  Seriously though, leave me a comment and tell me what Yoongi has inspired you to do in your life.

I don't have a bias in BTS, the whole band is my bias, but each member has inspired me to work on something different in my life.  For Yoongi: it's to never let your dreams go (no matter what), don't stop fighting your depression, and it's okay to take naps. :) Seriously though, I was diagnosed with something a year ago (this month is the anniversary of that, in fact) and Yoongi's example encouraged me to be pretty open about it.  I didn't want my friends or siblings to feel shame or refuse to seek help when they need it because of stigma.

Anyway, enjoy!

Yoongi's POV

Y/N would not pick up her phone and he was irritated. Why on earth did she always do this.

They didn't cancel the concerts but their schedules had been cleared of interviews for the next couple days.

He didn't look but Jimin and Taehyung told him their fans were up in arms. Their Twitter feed was flooded with angry fans demanding answers and threatening to off his wife.

So of course she wouldn't pick up the damn phone, great timing. He hoped she'd had the presence of mind to hire a security detail. Jin informed him she was being featured on the news but he didn't watch it. He didn't want to hear a bunch of crap about her from people who had no idea what was going on.

BigHit had been told to simply not comment for the time being. Why? Why did she want to be vilified by the media? Why was she letting his uncle have his way?

He felt helpless. He wanted to be there. But he was glad he wasn't. He wanted to help her. But he wanted to stay away from all the baggage their relationship brought up. He wanted to know if he was going to be a father. But he also wanted to not know, he was scared.


It had been 48 hours since Y/N had been rushed to the company headquarters and she had slept for maybe three of those. She was exhausted. She couldn't even remember where she had put her phone.

But she refused to sleep. Sleep could wait until she had all her balls rolling. She sat behind the Chairman's desk, an open file in front of her. It was an employee file, listing a complaint that had been made by the employee several months previous. He was relatively new to the company, low on the totem pole. The first performance review was outstanding. But the second one, done within the past two weeks, showed a considerable decrease in output and work ethic.

And then there was the complaint. Two employees, up for promotion. One had alleged the other was using unethical tactics to achieve the position. It had appeared to be dealt with quietly. The complainer was shunted to a lower-level position, significantly decreasing chances of promotion. The other had been in a position to now review the first's work since then. Y/N smelled something fishy. She knew how companies worked, she'd worked for one during her last two years of college.

"Mr. Lee." She could tell he was nervous. He was fidgeting with his hands. He was slightly overweight and his hair was a little too long. While going through the HR complaint files, what had made him stand out wasn't only the fact that he might have a bone to pick with the company, but he was foreign-born. His father was Korean but he had been born in the U.S., moving back to Korea when he was 12. This made the chance of a culture clash go down significantly. If his work ethic was still in there somewhere, it made him a valuable asset to navigating the company. And he spoke both languages fluently.

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