Chapter 4: Team

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Mikaela stood in the Hokage's office, the Hokage, of course, sat behind his desk. He held his pipe to his mouth, smoke trailing out of the end of it. He blew out a puff of it before speaking, "So Iruka tells me you have mastered one handed seals?"

The young girl nodded, "Yes, Hokage-sama."

"Interesting...I have something I would like to give you," The Hokage rummaged a little through his desk drawer, pulling out a scroll, a strange shape decorated the outside, it was a six sided gem looking prism, like two triangles were put on either side of a rectangle, inside the strange shape was a circle too, "There was once a Saito clan which resided in Konoha. They were known for their medical practice and jutsu's. This scroll contains a sacred forbidden jutsu that only those of the Saito clan can unlock. If my theory is correct, then I believe you should be able to unlock the jutsu."

"Wait, shouldn't the Saito clan be consulted before you just hand out the jutsu?" Mikaela asked.

The Hokage chuckled at the wording she chose, "Yes, they would be, but in this case, there's only one member of the clan - beside yourself - that is left, and she is currently traveling the Nations," He explained.

"Oh, okay," She wasn't able to think of any other reason besides the fact that this seemed like something way too advanced for her, "But, Hokage-sama, what if I'm unable to learn it?"

"We'll handle that if we come to that," He said, holding the scroll out for her to take, which she reluctantly accepted. "I would like you like you to start attempting to unlock it as soon as possible, alright?"

"Okay, Hokage-sama."

It was the next day, the morning of when she was to be assigned a genin team. Sitting on her bed, scroll unrolled in front of her, Mikaela reread its contents for the millionth time. It was so long that the other end laid on the floor next to her futon. The first words on the scroll read 'Strength of a Thousand Jutsu' in big bold letters. The rest of the scroll was details on how to unlock the jutsu. There was one small problem. How come it says 'one must go through severe emotional distress caused by an event such as a loved ones death'?! What kind of thing is that!? And why is the situation so specific?!




The buzz of Mikaela's alarm clock interrupted her inner turmoil. She glanced over to see it was time to start walking over to the academy. She quickly got ready, putting on her new ninja outfit; a dull brown dress much like a qipao, the back panel of the skirt being much longer than the front, with a white zipper which ran down the front then curved to the left. She also had on a belt, shorts, arm warmers, and ninja sandals, all of which were dark grey. Finally, she put on her Leaf Headband, tying it around her neck. Once she was ready, she headed off to the academy.

The second Mikaela stepped into the classroom she was met with quite the sight. Her new friend, Naruto, was currently locking lips with the class heartthrob, Sasuke. I didn't know they were together like that, Mikaela thought. But, the next second the two pulled apart and were coughing their guts out, furiously wiping their mouths off. I guess they aren't together after all? She wondered as she watched all of Sasuke's fangirls go after the blonde boy. She then went over to a thoroughly pummeled Naruto. "Are you okay?" She asked, feeling guilty that she hadn't stepped in to help the poor boy, then again, even if she had, she wouldn't've been able to do anything.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, 'ttebayo!" He stumbled over his words, not used to someone checking up on him with genuine concern.

Before anymore words could be exchanged, Iruka walked into the classroom.

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