Chapter 2: Academy

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It had been a month since Mikaela had officially become apart of the Leaf Village. After asking the Hokage to allow her to stay, there was a lot of paperwork that had to be drawn up, considering Mikaela had basically popped up out of nowhere. Once all that was done, the Hokage arranged an apartment for Mikaela to stay. But the first thing she did once she had free time was go to the library, which just happened to be open 24/7. She read about the geography of the new world she was in, and all about ninja's. And it just so happened that apparently, being a ninja was a lot like being the Avatar. They both had the grand goal of bringing peace. Granted, ninja's were only for bringing peace to their respective village, but all Mikaela cared about was the fact that she could protect at least some people. After learning everything she could she ran to the Hokage's and asked to be put into the Ninja Academy. The Hokage agreed, but told her that her first day would be only after a month so she could get settled in the village and study up on ninja techniques and jutsu's because the class with her age group was already about to graduate.

So a month passed and it was the morning of her first day in the academy. Mikaela stood in her apartment bathroom's mirror, a kunai in hand. She had gotten the kunai because the academy required one to have a certain amount of kunai and shuriken.

Mikaela looked at her long green hair with a scowl on her face. A memory flashed through her mind that had haunted her since the day it happened.

"W-what do you think you're doing?!" Mikaela's mother yelled in a panic when all of them pointed their weapons at the family.

"Now, now, if you don't make this difficult, you may live, all we want is the brat," The one with the spear said, then extended an arm toward Mikaela and grabbed onto her green locks, pulling her towards him.

    It was because of this stupid, useless hair that papa died. It was because of me. Mikaela thought. It's about time I got rid of it. In the Saito family, hair had always symbolized grace and beauty, so Mikaela had always had long luscious hair. But to her that didn't matter anymore. She grabbed her hair together behind her, then sliced through it in one swift motion with her kunai.

"Alright class, we have a new student, would you like to introduce yourself?" The man Mikaela learned was named Iruka Umino, asked.

Currently, Mikaela stood in front of a room full of kids her age, arms tucked behind herself, she was nervously fiddling with her fingers. "I'm Mikaela Saito, it's nice to meet you all," She said, eyes scanning over the sea of children.

Only a few stood out. A guy with a dog on his head, a girl with a rather unproportionate forehead, someone who had a ponytail much like the teachers, and a brooding dude who was just looking out the window during her introduction. "Okay, Mikaela, you can go sit next to Sasuke," Iruka pointed to a spot next to the one Mikaela had identified as 'the brooding dude'.

Mikaela walked over to the seat, though not without feeling the glares of the female portion of the classroom. Confused, she decided to ask her new seatmate why everyone was giving her to evil eye, "Hey, Sasuke, right? Do you know why everyone's scowling at me?"

The boy merely gave her a glance before turning back to the teacher, as if her very existence was just plain beneath his own. Mikaela just blinked in shock, then she too turned back to Iruka. She had never been so blatantly ignored before, so it was quite surprising to her. Then it settled in that he thought he was too above her to even engage in simple conversation, and she felt anger begin to swirl inside her. Calm down Mikaela, maybe he's just in a bad mood or something? She tried to convince herself. Mikaela wasn't one to just immediately judge a person as bad or good. She liked to give people time before she decided on whether or not to give them a chance to become friends.

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