Dreams are weird

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Darkness... One could could only assume they were asleep. When the Joker 'slept' it was usually when he passed out from exhaustion, and even then he wouldn't really consider that 'sleeping'. He didn't get the oh so pleasant 'dreams' he heard about, it was just dark... Slightly unsettling, no Harley with her ridiculous banter, no randomness from the villains at the base, and no Batman. Usually... but this time, there was a carnival with clown music playing. It was off-key, ear piercing. The Joker clicked his tongue, "How delightful..." He walked around, there wasn't anything that was different from a normal circus, just the usual. The mirrors, merry-go-round, and Ferris-wheel. The rides themselves, however, were fucked up beyond all hell. Blood everywhere, and while that in of it self didn't scare the Joker, he knew that their had to be some type of murder wandering around the area. A branch snapped. Something was following him... The Joker swore that it was going to lead to some monster chasing him down through the woods, which was the worst horror movie cliche. He usually yelled at the protagonist to not go into what would lead to their doom. Still, if he was in that situation he would probably make the same dumb decision, or kill the person chasing him down out of fear. The aesthetic was fucked up. This was a circus for killer clowns, and the Joker wanted no part in it. Either it was just him and Harley or no fucking clowns at all. He heard another branch snap, much closer to his vicinity. With haste, he walked into a circus tent, and found his bat, just, standing in the middle. No one was around them. The once disturbing music playing had changed to a cheery, happy go lucky tune. The Joker took a step forward, even though it was a dream, maybe Batman knew what was going on, why he was there, why the music changed, if he had anything to do with that. Then he woke up. Obviously he was confused, he had the weirdest... dream? He wasn't sure if he was able to call that a dream, it felt more like a nightmare at best. The end of it was confusing. Why was his bat there? Why did the music shift when he saw him? He knew that he cared about his bat, and he knew that maybe he didn't actually hate his bat, but... Was it love? Did he actually love Batman? He scoffed at himself, of course not. They were greatest enemies, he worked so hard to get Batman to say that he hated him, only to find out that's not what he was actually feeling? No, that was stupid. He noticed something though, someone was staring at him... He stared upwards, and saw two blue eyes staring down at him. He clicked his tongue, and asked, "Brucie~? Whatcha doin' staring at me?" Bruce didn't seem surprised by the fact that the Joker noticed he was looking at him, but he had valid reason for staring, "You seemed lost in thought. Did you have a strange dream?" The Joker sighed, "I guess you could say that, but it felt more like a nightmare. Maybe it was because you didn't wish me a goodnight." He said, pouting as if he were a child. The Bruce sighed, "Is it worth talking about?" The Joker bit his lip, he didn't want to talk about the end... but it was strange and even though Bruce wasn't a physiatrist like Harley, he was basically the world's greatest detective, maybe he could tell him why he had that random ass dream. "Well, I guess? Do you wanna hear about it?" The billionaire looked at the clock, "Well, I have nothing better to do at 4 a.m." The Joker giggled, "Well, I was basically at this circus place, and it was pretty normal except for the music, it was pretty distorted, it gave me the creeps. Which is saying something. Anyways, I found my self in one of those tents that have the loud ringmaster with like loins and shit, a-and..." He paused, how would his bat react? What if it did mean that he loved him? He'd react negatively for sure! He was Batman, even without the mask, he was always negative. Bruce had gotten a chair and sat in front of the Joker's cell, waiting, "And?" The Joker snapped out of his thoughts, "And, you were in the middle, just standing there. No one around, except us... and the weirdest thing wasn't even anything I saw when I was walking around the circus. It was the fact that the creepy music changed when I saw you, it was all, light, happy go lucky... cheerful. That's what was so weird, and I don't know what it means... That's all." Bruce took a while to process all of it before he stood up. The Joker looked at him confused, he probably creeped him out and he was ready to get the fuck out. "Wait, where are you going?" Then he noticed the plate of Lobster Thermidor Bruce was holding. "Do you actually plan to eat lobster at 4 a.m?" Bruce looked over the clock, "It's 5 a.m now." The Joker let out an annoyed sigh, "Alright, are you actually going to eat lobster at 5 a.m?" Bruce nodded, The Joker could only guess that it wasn't something that didn't happen often. "Why not? I'm hungry." The Joker sighed, "Does this happen often?" Bruce nodded again and smirked, "Except I've never talked to you while getting my Lobster Thermidor." The Joker scoffed, "Well, isn't that obvious?" Bruce smiled, "Goodnight Joker..." He left... and he smiled... The Joker knew his face was probably ridiculously red, but it wasn't his fault! Bruce Wayne's smile was scarily charming. He just hoped to whatever god that he didn't see that. The Joker was pretty sure he saw it, his face was fucking white after all. Maybe he did love Batman. It's not like he could do much about those feelings other then suppress them until he died. Batman had a hard time expressing emotions, so even if Batman happened to like him, which was highly unlikely, he would never actually tell him! The Joker thought back to the smile Batman gave him and almost swooned. Even if he and Batman would never get together, the Joker had fallen hopelessly in love with Batman without ever realizing it, until now of course. He wasn't sure if staying at the Batcave would be hell or heaven, but he hoped it would end up like heaven, no matter how much he didn't deserve it. He laid back down on his back and began to black out. The Joker wouldn't have been surprised if it was like a cycle, weird dream, wake up, question dream, get even weirder dream. Though it was fun to joke about, the Joker hoped that this dream wasn't as strange. The Joker wasn't even sure if he actually went to sleep, because he was still in his cell. The Joker was about to conclude that he just thought he fell asleep, and then he saw a lobster. It was huge as hell and the Joker let out a scream. The Joker knew that a giant fucking lobster meant it was a dream and it couldn't actually hurt him, but he still tried to pull his knife out on it. Wait... Where was his knife? The Joker panicked, and then remembered that Batman had confiscated it. Damnit. The Joker just hoped that maybe the lobster didn't notice him and would move on and do other lobster stuff, but of course that wasn't possible since the Joker had let out quite a loud yell. The lobster crushed the entrance to the Joker's cell effectively, and the Joker was give two options; either die, and wake up from the nightmare he was having, or, runaway from the huge ass lobster that had an appetite for clowns. The Joker went with saving his ass. Even if it was just a dream, the Joker didn't want to die at the claws of a fucking lobster! So he ran, and, of course, the lobster followed. The Joker felt slower then usual, of course he had to be slower when a fucking lobster was chasing after him. The Joker wished that literally anything would stop the monsteras lobster, and then something actually struck the lobster. The Joker turned around and it was the bat himself! Batman had tied the lobster down with the "bat-rope" roughly. The Joker called out to his knight in black, "Batsy, you saved me~!" The dark knight sighed, "Of course I did, you're my greatest enemy, I wouldn't be Batman without you." The Joker felt like he could just faint, and Batman picked him up like he was his bride. The Joker's face was positively red, "Batsy~? Whatcha doin'?" Batman smiled, his smile was amazing, "You seem tired, we should go to bed..." The Joker's face flushed,"Wait, why did you say w-we?" Batman just smirked, and it finally dawned on the Joker, again, it was a dream. Batman saying that he wouldn't be Batman without him, the Joker, without being forced to say it by blowing up Gotham City was unheard of! Batman smiling at him, smirking and suggesting going to bed together, even while Bruce? A FUCKING MIRACLE! While the Joker did wish a miracle could happen, it was unlikely and the Joker sighed. It was a dream and the Joker was thoroughly disappointed. At the realization of it being a dream, he woke up. The Joker definitely thought dreams were strange.

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