Poor Arkham Asylum

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~In the uncomfortable silence of the Batmobile ride, Alfred's voice cut in~
"Sir." "Jeeves" Joker said, doing his best Batman impersonation. Which didn't fool Alfred. "Sir, are you taking Joker to Arkham?" Joker looked over to the bat, "aaannnnnnddddd, where else would you be taking me Bats?" Batman thought for a second, "Well, maybe to the Batca-" "THE BATCAVE!?!?" The Joker exclaimed with much excitement.
"I guess? I have a cell just in case something were to ever happen, but that's impos-" Alfred's voice waltzed in. "Sir, Arkham Asylum has been burned down." Batman let out a groan and shot Joker a glare. The clown quickly put his hands up in his defense and giggled. "Was it Firefly?" "W-well Sir, you see..." Alfred was doing his best to stifle his laugh. "It was actually Mr. Freeze"
Joker started laughing hysterically. Batman had a sheer look of confusion on his face. "W-wha- How?" Joker's giggling had started to subside. "You see Batsy, if I remember correctly, Freeze had cafeteria duty today!" Batman was still confused. "Wait, why would they let a villain serve other people dinner?" Joker shrugged, "I guess they thought because he's Mr. FREEZE he wouldn't burn down the building. They were, without a doubt, wrong." Alfred let out a sigh, "I guess that means that Joker will be staying at the Batcave?"
Batman grunted, "yeah..." Joker jumped up from his seat. "FUCK YES!" Alfred let out a chuckle, "It seems that the Joker happens to be one of your biggest fans" Joker giggled, "More like the biggest fan of Batman~!"

OwO Batjokesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें