The Atlas Project

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(A/N If y'all have seen the new broly film then you know what happens when a saiyan transforms into a great ape

Ironwood's pov

I walked through the lab as Y/N was strapped to a dolley he was wheeled off as i followed a scientist while she looked through her papers.

Scientist: General Ironwood, you're asking us to replicate the blutz waves given out by the moon correct?

Me: You are. Can it be done?

Scientist: It's not a worry sir, give us... a week at most and we can have it ready

Me: Excellent

She stopped infront of a desk and placed down her papers before turning to me as she pushed up her glasses

Scientist: What are we doing this for anyway sir?

Me: There's someone who can only use their semblance under the full moon

Scientist: I see... well we best get to work right away

Me: Indeed

I walked off and went towards where Y/N was being held, entering the holding cell i saw him as he held a blank look until he saw me.

His expression turned to one of anger and he went to get up until i pulled out the remote to his shock collar.

This frightened him as he backed awat and tugged on the colllar to try and pull it off.

Putting the remote away he stopped but still looked at me with fear in his eyes.

He looked at me in fear as he breathed heavily, i sighed before moving over to the table and sitting down.

Me: You are a criminal, you now serve the Atlas military

Nothing i said seemed to get to him as he just stood there. I gestured to the chair on the other side of the table

He looked to it before pulling it out, he took a glance at how i was sat before copying me.

Me: Do you understand me... Y/N?

He didn't react to anything until i said his name, his head shot up and looked to me making me rub my chin

So he understands his name and what my remote does... he's almost like a mindless animal.

There was a knock on the door making me sigh, getting up i walked over and opened it revealing Qrow and Ms Belladonna

Qrow: Jimmy. Let Blake talk to him, before you do whatever you're going to do.

Me: *Sigh* fine

Blake's pov

Me: Thank you

He stepped aside so i went in, the door closed as i looked at Y/N before moving over and hugging him.

Y/N stayed there although began sniffing me? I parted from him confused as he leaned closer to me and continued to sniff me.

Our noses touched due to how close he was before he put his hands on my shoulders, he forced me back and onto the ground.

I tried to get out of his grasp to no affect as he began panting, he dove towards me but was stopped when i heard the door slam open.

His shock collar was activated making him scream in pain and get up, i got out from under him as be pulled on it.

Y/N continued screaming in pain as it seemed to go on, Ironwood walked in whilst holding the remote.

The room began to shake as Y/N stood up, his hair flashed before turning gold again, his muscles bulged as he kept pulling.

General Ironwood turned a dial before the intensity was amped up making Y/N fall to the ground unconscious

I sat there shocked as i wrapped my arms around myself, something went over me making me jump and turn back.

It was General Ironwood, he placed his jacket over me as i shook and tears poked at the corners of my eyes.

Ironwood: Ms Belladonna... i know it's a stressful for you but what did he just do?

Me: H-He told me... it was his faunas trait. W-Well second one...

Ironwood: I see. Let's get you out of here

He helped me stand up as i looked at Y/N's unconscious body before turning away. I ran out the room as still shook it fear.

Ironwood's pov

Ms Belladonna ran off as Qrow looked to me confused

Qrow: What happened in there?

Me: Y/N assulted her. He doesn't know anything apart from his own name and what this remote does

I showed him the remote making him frown

Qrow: So what are you going to do to him?

Me: Classified


I stood on the walk way and over looked the "Blutz Wave Machine" the woman from before stood next to me.

Scientist: It's ready sir. All you need to do is go inside of it and fire the Blutz Waves at him.

Me: I have to go inside it?

Scientist: Yes sir

Me: What's the risk of it going haywire?

Scientist: None sir, we made sure

I nodded before alarms went off, that's the Grimm attack alarm. My radio went off so i picked it up and answered it

Radio: Sir, Permission to launch the airships

Me: No, we have something else

I climbed down as the bag doors were opened, going into the machine i used my scroll to order Y/N to be dropped off.

Driving it forward i heard the engine of a bullhead above me as the hard light dust shield activated.

A box was dropped before it opened to reveal Y/N in restraints, aiming the machine at him i fired.

A large green wave shot out and hit him making him scream, he began to struggle against his restraints and his chest pulsated.

His muscules grew before his face extended into a snout as him restraints broke, he grew into the giant ape with brown fur before he looked to the incoming Grimm.

It screeched and flew up to reveal a Wyvern Grimm, the hardlight shield opened slightly before Y/N jumped over the edge and tackled the Grimm making them fall.

Climbing out the machine i watched the shield go back up before looking over the edge.

Y/N's fur turned gold as they fell, the Grimm screeched as he roared making a smile come into my face.

We should be able to take back Beacon with him and maybe we'll have a chance against Salem

Me: Thank you Qrow for calling me back here...  this is the weapon i've been wanting!

(Lemme know what you think)

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