The Shocking Truth

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Y/N's pov

Snow fell from the coulds as Ruby walked around picking things up and Yang was tugging on Bumblebee which was stuck in the snow

Yang: Great! Just great! We're stranded! We lost a third of our party! And we have gained a defenceless old lady!

She pulled on it one last time making her falk into the snow, her bike fell over making me sigh

Maria: My name is Maria Calavera and i am not defenceless!

She turned to us as she shrugged Oscar off while sticking a finger in the air

Maria: I'm just a little hard of hearing... and blind without my eyes... that are in desperate need of repair

She tapped on her "eyes" as they opened properly and a spark came out of it until they shut most the way again

Maria: Okay... i'm starting to see your point

Me: Man... i even lost half my aura... this blows

Blake: What do you mean?

Me: When i made the clone i had to divide my aura evenly with it, sure i can make alot of them but...

Blake: The more you make the weaker they are

Me: Yep...

Qrow walked over while grunting, i sat up and dusted myself off

Qrow: Yang knock it off will ya? If we lose our cool now we'll just be fighting even more Grimm

Blake: Does that even matter? Apparently we've been attracting Grimm ever since we left Haven

Yang: Oh and how could i forget about that?! What happened to no more lies and half truths?

I appeared behind her and raised my finger to accentuate my point

Me: You never asked about it so therefore he never lied nor told a half truth

Oscar: Yeah, i think it's time we got an explanation

His eyes glowed for a moment before he slouched over, he changed his posture now that Ozpin was in control.

Ozpin: It's as Mr L/N said, i did not lie to you.

Me: But you didn't tell us everything about the relic

Ozpin: Please now is not the time

He tried to calm things down but knowing Yang that's gonna end up horribly

Yang: No we're last that! I wanna know why you're still not telling us everything

Ozpin stayed silent for a moment before taking up his normal mannerisms while Maria was behind her.

Ozpin: It is true that Grimm are attracted to the Relic, it's faint but undeniable and i believe it has to do with their origin but i'm not entirely sure. Regardless i fear that making you all aware would only add anxiety and negativity, it seemed like the safer option

Yang: Is that why you chose to lie about Lionheart to everyone too?

Not the right time Yang

Ozpin: Yes as a matter of fact!

He began pacing and we followed him down the incline

Ozpin: I believe the kingdom of Mistral deserves better than the truth and i believed that Leonardo deserved to be remembered for his life time of service and not the unfortunate missteps he made in his final years

Yang: Missteps?!

Ozpin: What professor Lionheart did was reprehensible, i am not here to argue. But does one lapse in judgement truly negate all his good, do we all not have regrets? You may have met professor Lionheart but you never met the man he was before Salem found him

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