Rampaging Beast

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Neo's pov

Y/N roared and smashed a building as Atlas ships floated above him, they fired missiles at him and hit him just before he turned his head.

A cloud of grey smoke built up as they watched in anticipation, it dissipated to show that if hadn't affected him what so ever.

He roared and swatted the ship, it was flung away and hit the ground making it explode.

?: Neo!

I turned to see Cinder approaching me, her visible eye was full of fear which reflected basically everyone who could see the beast that Y/N had become.

Cinder: Have you found Ruby yet?

I shook my head in disbelief, she's thinking of her revenge at a time like this!? Even i know to put that aside for now

Cinder: I know what you're thinking but now is the perfect oppurtunity. No one would suspect it was us

The building we stood on shook as we slowly turned our heads to see Y/N looming above us

He raised his fist and brought it down as Cinder unleashed a large wave of fire. He brought his hand back and opened his mouth as a purple sphere if something built up in it.

My eyes shot open before a large ball if fire covered Cinder and me. Something hit us as it shook and cracked slightly, it stopped as the ball disppeared.

Y/N was hit by something so he turned his head to see Ruby and her friends who stood atop another building.

Blake's pov

I watched as the giant beast turned as i saw the others aiming their weapons at it, what the hell is this thing!?

It began to slowly walk towards them as i climbed the building to meet them, they clutched their weapons as i climbed to the top.

Me: What's going on?!

They turned to me shocked as Yang rushed over? She handed me my weapon so i unsheathed it to see it had been repaired

Ruby: We don't know but...

Blake: But what?

Ruby: It came from the hospital and now...

I looked over in the direction of the hospital as the beast slowly walked to us. The hospital was gone... this thing

Yang: Before you jump to conclusions Blake just listen okay? It seemed to transform, it's fur changed to gold

Blake: Wait are you saying that... that thing i Y/N?!

It roared making us turn to it, an Atlas fighter ship dove towards it but "Y/N" grabbed it before it could come any closer.

He crushed it in his hand making it explode although he threw the wreckage towards us.

Nora fired her grenadr launcher at it blowing it up, the ship fell to the ground as i looked to him in shock.

Could it be his semblance? He can copy other semblances so maybe he copied one that allowed him to do this

Me: I don't think he can control himself

Weiss: What are we going to do?

Qrow: We're going to have to stop him, maybe we can get him to knock himself out

Y/N roared and tried slam his fist down onto us, he dodged although his fist went through the building.

It began to crumble so Weiss created some glyphs for us to jump across, the building crumbled as we watched in horror.

He roared while he looked up at the moon, Qrow turned into a bird as Ruby dashed across with her semblance.

She appeared above Y/N and fired shots at him as Qrow turned back to normal and also shot at him

He tried to swat then away although they kept dodging, i went to join them but my legs wouldn't move. I... i can't hurt him...

As they kept dodging and shooting him, Y/N roared as a shockwave went out which threw them away.

I saw someone jumping across rooftops, staring at them i saw that it was... Neo! Although she was with someone else

She turned her head and stopped when she saw me, the other person kept running although Neo stared at me

I found her... I found her! Maybe me and her can bring Y/N back to his senses! I ran towards them as YN sweeped his arm.

Sliding underneath it Neo began running to me as we kept going, we met and hugged before an explosion went off

We seperated amd looked to see that Y/N was closing his mouth

Me: Neo! Where have you been?!

She froze before lowering her head, i looked to Y/N before irking. Grabbung hwe shoulders she looked up to me as i saw tears in her eyes.

Me: I... look you can tell me later, but we need to stop Y/N!

She nodded as we turned to him, a fleet of ships flew out before cannons were extended.

They charged up some kind of lightning dust cannon before firing at him, he roared in pain as we looked in shock.

The lightning continued to hurt him before he fell to his knees, quickly he fell unconscious as the ground shook as he collapsed.

Y/N began to shrink in size and turned back to normal, we rushed over and joined with the others although Neo looked at Ruby worried

We were stopped by Atlesian knights and paladins as Y/N went back to his normal size.

An airship landed and general Ironwood stepped out and looked at us before taking a glance at Y/N

Qrow: Ironwood! I-

Ironwood: We'll talk later Qrow. First we need to...

He looked around to see the devastation that Y/N had left

Ironwood: Apprehend Y/N, fix the destroyed buildings and decide his fate

Me: What do you mean decide his fate?!

Ironwood: He is responsible for all this death and destruction. It'll be up to the Atlas council...

Qrow: He's a faunas in Atlas... this means he can get the death penalty!

(Lemme know what you think)

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