Confusing Alligence

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Neo smiled even wider before taking a step back and making a heart with her hands then pointing to me.

Me: I forgot how adorable you were

She pouted slightly before i leaned in and kissed her forehead. We began walking down the street when she held my hand in her own.

Our fingers intertwined and we smiled at eachother, finally happy that we were bacj together.

Me: Neo... What are we going to do?

She tilted her head in confusion

Me: You work with Roman and Cinder while i'm training to be a huntsman...

She placed a hand under her chin as if she was thinking before removing it and fishing her scroll our her pocket.

She typed on it quickly before stopping for a moment. She let out a silent sigh and showed it to me

Me: "I'll stay and work with you" Really, you'd do that for me?

Neo nodded making me hug her tightly, she hugged me back and kissed my cheek.

Me: I promise to stay with you Neo

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo eating more ice cream then she weighs

Neo and I rode the elavator up to Ozpin's office in silence as we held eachothers hands tightly.

She showed me her scroll which read "will it really be okay?"

Me: Of course it will be... but if it won't be then we'll figure it out

She nodded and looked forward as the elavator dinged as the door opened.

I had never really been intimidated of Ozpin, but with him sitting at his desk with his fingers intertwined staring hs down it's hard not to be intimidated.

Ozpin: Mr L/N, what can i do for you?

Me: T-This is Neo... and she would like to j-join Beacon

Ozpin: Well this is certainly not what i was expecting. Where might she be from snd what skills do you possess

She held my hand tighter as i took a deep breath

Me: Well she's an expert assassin and... may or may not have worked for Roman Torchwick

Ozpin: I see. Ms Neo, is this true?

She nodded shyly and Ozpin looked at her curious

Ozpin: I have some questions. Why betray him and why aren't you speaking?

She held up one finger and pointed to me then held up to fingers and tapped her throat before wagging her finger.

Ozpin: So you betrayed Torchwick because of Mr L/N and your mute

Neo nodded making Ozpin tap his chin for a few moments. He smiled before looking to us

Ozpin: Well Ms Neo... Welcome to Beacon

I let out a sigh of relief before Neo practically tackled me in happiness as Ozpin chuckled

Me: Thank you professor

Ozpin: It's no problem. Now let's set down some rules Ms Neo

She stopped hugging my but still held my hand, Neo nodded letting Ozpin continue

Ozpin: 1: No killing, 2: You will keep that you used to work for Torchwick a secret and 3:You'll be placed in Team RYBL and Mr L/N will be your communicator. Understood?

Neo nodded before Ozpin sent us off. We got in the elavator and as the doors closed Neo leapt on me kissing me passionately.

I responded in kind but we eventually parted. Still holding her, she rested her head on my shoulder as i let out a sigh of content

Me: We can finally be together

She nodded as best as she could and he stayed like this until the elavator opened.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Neo throwing a ball of yarn at Chibi Blake making her look at her annoyed

We stood outside my dorm, slightly nervous, before i opened the door. Ruby, Yang and Blake looked to me as i gave them a nervous wave.

I walked in and Neo followed behind me. She walked to my side as Blake eyed her curiously

Me: Hey girls

Ruby: Hey Y/N, Who's this?

Neo typed something on her scroll before walking up to Ruby nervous, she still remembers how she launched her off that ship.

Neo showed Ruby her scroll making her gasp and look between the two of us

Ruby: Really?!

Neo nodded making Ruby shudder and pretend to gag... what did she write?

Yang: What is it?

Neo showed Yang her scroll making her look between the two of us with a smirk on her face.

Yang: Hmm... Yeah i can see that

Me: What did Neo "tell" you?

Yang: That you two are dating

I saw Blake flinch out the corner of my eye as she covered her face with her book.

Me: Then why did Ruby gag?

Ruby: Because that means you two kiss and stuff!

Blake got off her bed and walked towards the door, we all watched her but we couldn't see her face

Blake: I'm... *sniff* gonna go to the library...

She opened the door and walked down the hall but the footsteps got quicker until they eventually disppeared

Yang: So how long have you two been dating?

Me: A couple months... sorry to go but i'm going to check on Blake

(Lemme know what you think also should Blake added to the relationship?l

Is This The Real Life?: Blake x Male Reader x Neo {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now