Chapter 13~The Secret Agents

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Henry and the other's returned downstairs into the living room,where ayato,yui and the other's were.

Kaito : "So what is it you want to tell us father?"

He asked as henry sighed softly then turned to his sons,ready to tell them what he held him close to centuries.

Henry : "As you guys already knew that yuki is your sister but your mother was not a vampire when we first met"

Chronos : "I thought she was"

Henry : "She never was chronos when i met her she was human,at that time it was forbidden for humans and vampires to fall in love"

Everyone remained silent and listened to what henry was saying,they couldn't believe their ears to be honest.

Shane : "So what happened?"

Henry : "One thing led to another and your mother fell pregnant with your sister,but your uncle also my brother found out about this and tried to make a deal"

Kaito : "What deal would that be?"

Henry : "Have your mother marry your uncle and raise the child in secret or face being a outcast from the family"

Shane and the other's eyes opened wide what they just heard,then frowned until a voice spoke.

??? : "When she gave birth to yuki,unfortunaly sarah died over the childbirth and your father instructed me to take yuki somewhere safe until she learned the truth"

Everyone turned around to see the cloaked figure from before who healed kaito,removed its hood revealing its colour hair blonde and his crimson red eyes.

Henry : "So you have returned Zero"

Zero : "Yes i have and the matter of speaking two of comrades are inside the castle and should be near yuki"

Henry : "Good silver will try anything to force yuki turning into a vampire during the full red moon"

Kanato : "Is that bad right?"

He asked henry who turned him with a frown on his face.

Henry : "Yes when a human is forced into a vampire when the moon red and full then she could die or fall into a coma never waking up better yet she might become a rogue vampire who has no control what so ever"

Yui : "Is there anyway we can save her"

Henry : "There is one way but it will be risky"

Zero : "Henry your not suggesting sealing her away in that crystal until she is ready"

Henry : "We have no choice zero for her sake we have to try"

Everyone remained silent,then a sigh of broken from zero.

Zero : "Alright but as a warning if it doesn't succeed we have no choice but to eliminate her before she can do harm"

Henry looked down and nodded knowing that zero was right and he knew the risks aswell,kaito and the other's looked down aswell.

Shadow who was listening carefully sneaked out of the mansion and headed to the lake as he arrived he stopped then looked up at the moon.

Shadow : "Yuki..hang on i am coming for you i promised your mother.."

He looked around then with some of his powers he had he opened up a portal,as he entered through it closing behind him.

The tunnel was very long,dark and cold until i could see a ladder at the end,throwing the torch onto the ground i started to climb up it.

Reaching the top i pushed something that slid to the right,then peeking out i could see benches,windows,a altar.

Yuki : "Could this be a church?"

Carefully climbing out and pushing the slab on the ground back,i walked over to the altar there was my amulet.

Yuki : "My amulet!"

Running over and picked it up i heard a clap and turned around to see silver,i backed away from him and without noticing ace appeared behind me and grabbed me pulling me behind him.

Yuki : "H..hey let me go!"

Silver chuckled at ace licking his lips,ace glared at him then summoned his sword into his hand preparing to fight him,but in a instant silver appeared behind me then grabbing me.

Yuki : "P..please..d..don't.."

He grabbed my chin and cupped it then turned my head to the side revealing my neck,i shook in fear.

As he extended his fangs it went closer to my neck but then all of a sudden there was a loud bang wounding silver,he turned around and growled.

Silver : "Hunter!? you betrayed me!"

Hunter : "I was never on your side silver i had a mission and that was to rescue yuki and bring her back safely"

Silver growled in anger and with coldness in his eyes,then faced towards my neck.

Silver : "If i cant have her then no one will!"

He said as he sank his fangs into my neck forcefully,i screamed in pain and began to struggle until my vision went blurry and everything went blank as my body went limp.

Silver released his fangs and then just let my body falling onto the ground,as he wiped the blood from his mouth as the amulet fell out of hand once my body hit the floor.

Ace : "How did it come to this"

He said as he rubbed his head his sword vanished.

Slowly kneeling down he scooped me up into his arms then stood up as he looked at hunter who nodded,he started to flee with me in his arms out of the altar.

Silver : "You think you can escape from here i don't think so"

With a snap of his fingers a horde of rogue vampires appeared and surrounded them,ace clicked his tongue in annoyance then began to fight his way through,as silver and hunter began to go head to head with each other.

To be continued.

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