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Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam

Warnings: just fluff

Summary: Sam and Dean don't know of your Mexican background and decide to pick Spanish to talk about you in secret.


There are many things that you and the Winchesters share. Food, clothes, hair products (thanks, Sam), and secrets. Your life was like an open book to the Winchesters, but there were still some things that they didn't know about you.

For one, they didn't know that English wasn't your native language. Being born and raised in Mexico, Spanish was your native language. When you were 10 years old, you moved to the United States, but the Spanish culture didn't leave you. The only reason they didn't know you spoke Spanish was because you never needed to use it. It was one thing that you like to keep from the Winchesters since they knew everything else about you. You liked having this secret all to yourself.

Dean, on the other hand, wanted to know everything about you. He's had a huge crush on you since he saved you from a wendigo that tried to make you his dinner. After that, you started hunting with them when you knew these monsters exist. With a lot of practice and a lot of physical work, you were ready to start hunting with them.

Because he's only ever seen you in training, Dean was surprised at how quickly you took out monsters, fighting and killing them like they were nothing. That only added to the huge amount of admiration the man had for you. He wanted to tell you his feelings, but he didn't know how. It wasn't that he didn't know how he was also scared of how you'll react.

From the moment you started living with them, you've never given him an inkling that you felt the same about him as he did for you.

Whenever you weren't in the room, he always talked about you to Sam. He was pretty sure his brother wanted to kill him with how many times he's mentioned your name. The first time you got sick, you became so clingy, it never gave Dean any alone time with his brother. That is when Dean thought of the most brilliant thing he's ever come up with.

A long time ago, Sam and Dean saved a man from a nest of vampires and in return, told the brothers that if there was anything he needed, to give him a call. The only reason Dean gave him a call was because Spanish was the man's native tongue. In order to talk about you to his brother with you still in the room, they would either have to speak in code or speak another language.

Now, Dean could have picked any language but Spanish was just so common, and he still remembered some of it from high school. He forced his brother along with him to visit the man and for a couple of hours a day, the brothers would learn Spanish.

It was pathetic of the lengths Dean had to go through to not admit his feelings for you, but at least this way, he could still talk about you and you wouldn't even know. For weeks, Sam and Dean would visit this man, and they both learned fairly quickly. In a matter of months, Sam and Dean were speaking Spanish well for beginners. When the Winchesters set their minds to something, they can really accomplish a lot.

When the man died of natural causes, Dean didn't go to another person to keep learning, he felt his knowledge was sufficient enough for the time being. Now, it didn't matter where you were, Dean used Spanish to talk about you whenever he felt like it, much to Sam's displeasure.

At first, when they started being secretive, you had to find out what was going on and the minute you heard them speaking Spanish, you patted yourself on the back for not telling them you spoke it fluently. It was wrong to eavesdrop all the time, but you were so curious about what they were talking about and boy, you were glad you did.

"Mira supelo Se ve tan suave," Dean spoke about how soft your hair is, making you blush a bit. To keep your cover intact, you had to pretend like what he said didn't affect you. It only made your feelings for him more concrete. You loved the man, you were just waiting for him to man up and tell you.

"Dean, no quieroescucharsobresucabello. Solo habla con ella," Sam rolled his eyes. Sam didn't like how he kept talking about you. He wanted his brother to man up and talk to you.

"¿Y sia ella no le gusto? ¿Qué haré entonces?" Dean asked with a sigh. He didn't know what he would do if you didn't like him.

"Entonces te ocupas de eso y siguesadelante," Sam groaned. If Dean didn't do something about this, then he would.

"Vete a la mierda," Dean spat, flipping off his brother. He looked over at you, watching you read your book. Now that you knew how Dean felt about you, all you had to do was make him fall for the bait. You needed him to tell you how he felt.

"Hablar con ella," Sam said before getting up. He just wanted Dean to talk to you and in order for that to happen, he needed to leave. Dean watched his brother leave with a sigh. Looking over at you, he wondered how he should approach the subject. He had to tell you how he felt, but not in a language you understood. It would be easier.

"Te amo y no sé cómo decírtelo," Dean finished with a sigh.

"Ponte lospantalones de tu chico grande y dímelo tú mismo," you smirked, finally revealing your secret.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Dean asked when he heard you speak Spanish. He got up from his chair and walked over to you, sitting down next to you.

"I said put on your big boy pants and come tell me yourself. I thought you spoke Spanish rather well," you chuckled, finally looking up at him.

"How...?" Dean's mouth opened and closed like a fish.

"I was born and raised in Mexico. Spanish is my native language, not English. I understood every word you said."

"Why didn't you say anything?" Dean sighed.

"Oh, I didn't want to interrupt."

"Well, now you know how I feel," Dean looked down in shame as if he'd get rejected. Smiling, you reached over and cupped his chin, pulling his face up before pressing your lips to his in a quick kiss.

"Now you know I feel," you grinned and winked before going back to your book. Dean stared at you for a few seconds before smiling as if he's gotten what he wanted after a long time of waiting.

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