Piece of Work

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Characters: Sam Winchester x Pregnant!Reader

Warnings: just fluff

Summary: Sam is with you through thick and thin, no matter what you need him for.


Taking the last tissue from the box, you used it to wipe the tears that would not stop flowing from your eyes. Everything lately has made you cry, and you couldn't help but feel sad for those who have less than you. It's not like you knew these people and what they were going through, but you couldn't help but feel empathetic towards them.

As a hunter, it was your job to save those who needed to be saved. To protect those who couldn't do it themselves. To rid the world of monsters so that other people can thrive in it. Your job was not to sit on the couch like a little bitch and cry your eyes out. It's a wonder how you still have tears to leak.

Due to discomfort, you couldn't seem to find the sweet slumber of sleep. Sam, on the other hand, had no problem passing out which meant snoring up a storm. Normally you didn't mind his snoring, but it's been a constant train in your ear lately. Everything seemed to get on your nerves lately, and you tried to pretend like you were okay when you really weren't.

That is why you were up in the middle of the night, sitting in the makeshift living room, watching videos on your laptop that Sam got you for your birthday. Looking at the empty box, you groaned when you realized you had no more tissues. Deciding to make the best of your situation, you used one that you used for your tears and blew your nose in that one. Your mind was begging you to go to bed, but you couldn't stop watching videos on YouTube.

Playing one that you haven't already seen, you immediately started crying when the music started playing. You tried to keep your cries quiet, but the more the video played, the louder they got. You couldn't help it, you were just so sad, and these videos weren't helping your case at all.

Sam tossed and turned in his bed, letting his arm smack down on your side. When he didn't feel your warm body there, his eyes shot open and tried to adjust to the darkness. It was 3 in the morning, so he didn't know why you weren't asleep. Lately, all you've been doing is sleeping, but given your situation, he let it pass.

Getting out of bed, he shuffled out of the room in search for his girlfriend. The first place he figured you would be was the kitchen for a late night snack, but when you weren't there, he got worried. Being a hunter made his mind jump to the worst conclusion, but given this was a safe house for monsters, he forced his mind to calm down. There was nothing out to get you, he made sure of that.

Walking through the different rooms, he couldn't find you anywhere until he passed the living room. When he and Dean first found the place, the older brother had insisted to turn two of the bedrooms into one big room where it would be the family room. It took time knocking down the wall, but with the help of Cas, they were able to turn two bedrooms into a family room where a TV, a mini table, a small refrigerator, and other accessories were.

As he passed the room, he could hear your familiar crying come from inside. He opened the door and found you sitting on the couch, watching videos, and crying your eyes out. He immediately rushed over to you, taking the seat next to you.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" he panicked.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you sniffled.

"Why are you crying?"

"These animals are being mistreated," you sobbed, pointing to the animal abuse commercials you had been watching for the past hour. Sam let out a relieved sigh when he knew you weren't in any real danger.

"You're overwhelmed right now. Your emotions are heightened," Sam said, putting a hand on your swollen stomach. "How is she doing?"

"Sam, she's fine, but these animals are not," you cried. Sam nodded and turned off your laptop before leaning back on the couch. He brought you in his arms before kissing the top of your head.

"They're just commercials."

"I hate how animals are being treated. They deserve so much more," you sniffled, letting your tears dip onto his grey t-shirt. Sam peppered kisses onto your tear-stained cheeks before letting you use his body as a pillow. Being pregnant meant a lot of back pains, but Sam knew just the right position to make it feel better.

"I know they do," Sam whispered.

"I want a dog. We should get a dog," your cries became softer, but you were still sad.

"We can get a dog. I don't think Dean will be okay with that though."

"I'm having his niece. He better be okay with it."

"I know you're exhausted. Go to sleep," he muttered as he kissed your head. Cuddling into his body more, you let your eyes close and before you knew it, you were out cold. Man, pregnancy was really a piece of work.

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