Biggest Regret Of My Life

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Characters: Jensen Ackles, Reader, Jared, Bobby Singer, Rachel (OFC) (No pairing)

Warnings: Angst and fluff

Summary: Because of your aunt, you go and audition for Supernatural and you got it! Everyone on set greets you with warm smiled but something is familiar about you. You look just like Jensen which gets him digging into your past.


"I'm so nervous, Aunt Rachel." You bit your lip, looking out the car window as a driver took you from the hotel you were staying in to set where you now work.

"Don't be, Y/N. You're going to be great. Everyone is going to love you because you're amazing at what you do. It's why I pushed you to do this audition." You were only 17 years old but your aunt pushed you to audition for Supernatural. All you knew is that you were auditioning for a new character, a child, that Sam and Dean find with special powers. You were supposed to aid them in hunting and eventually form a special bond with Jack.

You were so excited but nervous when you got the call. You didn't know if you had enough experience for them to even consider you but you got it and you were the happiest you've ever been. This would be your biggest part you've ever had because this new character was going to be on the show for a while.

You've never done anything this big before but that didn't stop your aunt from signing you up for an audition. You weren't mad at her because you were happy that she did it. You've only acted in school plays but there have been so many of them which seemed to be enough for the casting director. Each play you've been in, you've gotten the lead so learning lines and acting your role wasn't a problem for you.

However, this time, you'd have a camera in your face which is something you'd have to get used to.

"I wish my mom was here to see this." You sighed sadly. Your mom had died when you were a child and you never knew your dad. You didn't have a picture of him, didn't know his name, you just knew that they were in love. Only your Aunt Rachel knew who he was but she would never tell you. You didn't really want to know the man that was never in your life but you wanted your mom here. You've given anything to have her here with you.

"I know, sweetheart. I do too." You sighed and watched as the driver pulled up to set and got out of the car.

"I have to go, I just arrived. I'll call you later tonight and tell you how it went."

"Okay, I love you! Be safe and have a lot of fun!" Your aunt said just before she hung up. The door opened and you got out, thanking your driver. You didn't see anyone at first so you just walked on set, looking around for someone to show you the way.

"Are you Y/N?" You turned and saw an older man walking towards you.

"I am." You smiled.

"I'm Robert Singer, one of the directors and producers of the show. Welcome!" He stuck out his hand and you shook it, glad have a friendly smile.

"It's nice to meet you and I'm so excited to be working with everyone." You smiled.

"Follow me and I'll introduce you to everyone." He said and you walked with him, looking around.

"I've seen the show. It's amazing and you're doing a good job." You smiled.

"Thanks, kid. You look really familiar. Have we met before?" He asked, staring at you in confusion.

"No, never. I get that a lot. People come up to me all the time and tell me I look like Jensen Ackles. I know, it's weird." You chuckled.

"Well, you're going to meet him now," Robert said, walking onto set. You saw everyone hanging around and saw Jared and Jensen talking to one another, not noticing you.

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