First Impressions

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Characters: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester, Mary Winchester

Warnings: worried about what Mary might think, fluff? Angst? idk

Summary: Just because you're younger than Sam, doesn't mean you don't love him any less.


"What if she doesn't like me?" you asked our tall boyfriend with a sigh. Mary, his mother, was coming over from being away with Ketch for so long. She has never met you before since you started dating Sam after she was gone. Dean had told you stories of his mom from memory, telling you how wonderful she was. Lately, she hasn't been all that great of a mom since she was never around, but you weren't in the right place to comment about that.

The only thing you were worried about was her judging you based off your age. Sam and Dean had come into your bookstore one day asking for all your books on every kind of lore you got. Curious about what they were up to, you made conversation with Sam and ended up revealing that you were a lore fanatic. There wasn't a single piece of lore out there that you didn't already know. It's how you got involved with the Winchesters in the first place.

After telling you what they did for a living, they brought you back to their Bunker where you learned of some monsters you didn't know existed but refreshed your memories on the ones you did. Being a lore nerd is what got you and Sam so close, which is why you decided to stay with them.

Over the course of a few months, you and Sam had gotten so close that he decided to ask you on a date. You two have been dating ever since. The only thing he was hesitant on was the fact that you were 10 years younger than he was, and 14 years younger than Dean. Age wasn't an issue in your eyes, but Sam thought you could have a better life with someone other than him. Many times, you've repeatedly told him that you didn't care how old he was, you really liked him for who he was.

After a while, he got comfortable with your age and decided not to fret on it anymore. You both were adults, and you could date a 35 years old man if you wanted to. When you heard Mary was coming back to them, you got really nervous because of what she would think of your age. When you told your parents, they scolded you for dating someone his age, but eventually got over it since they saw how happy you were. You just hoped Mary felt the same way about you.

"She will like you. If she doesn't, I'm not going to let that stop us from dating," he said truthfully before cupping your cheeks gently. Since he was so tall, reaching up wasn't such an easy task, so he met you halfway before placing his lips on you. Sam Winchester was a man like no other. He treated you so much better than any man you've ever been with. Then again, you've only been with men your age. None of them were as wise and sophisticated as him.

Moving your lips in tune with his, you didn't ever want to pull away. However, life had a different plan for you. Dean walked into the war room once he got a text from his mom saying she was very close. Once he looked up from his phone, he cleared his throat to let you guys know he was standing there.

"Hey," Dean spoke, making you break apart from Sam. "Mom texted. She's just about here."

"Okay," you breathed out, hoping your nervousness didn't show.

"Don't worry, kid, she's going to like you," Dean assured you as he walked to the metal stairs.

"Don't call me kid, it makes me feel like I'm your sister or something," you pouted, but Dean just laughed at that. He trekked up the stairs before opening the heavy door. He left the bunker, and you assumed his mother was here.

"She's going to hate me," you whispered.

"She is not going to hate you. It'll be fine," Sam said as he rubbed your shoulders.

"How was the drive?" Dean asked his mother once the pair walked in. Looking up, you saw how beautiful she was. The resemblance between her and Dean was uncanny.

"Long, but worth it. I'm glad to be back," she smiled as she walked down the stairs. When she looked up to greet her other son, her eyes landed on you. "I'm sorry, I didn't know they had company."

"She lives here, mom," Sam said before hugging her tightly. "It's good to see you again."

"She lives here? Who are you?" she asked.

"Don't be rude," Dean whispered to her just as you stuck out your hand.

"My name is Y/N. I'm Sam's girlfriend," you said politely. She shook your hand out of respect before looking at her younger son.

"You didn't tell me you had a girlfriend."

"It happened after you left," Sam said as he moved to your side.

"Wow, you look so young," she chuckled in a subtle attempt to find out your age.

"I am. I'm 25," you said the one thing you didn't want her to know.

"25? Sam, a word, please?" she asked as she walked past you.

"It's going to be okay," he whispered before he left with his mother.

"She hates me," you groaned, looking at Dean.

"That's not hate," Dean shook his head.

"Then she doesn't like me. She thinks I'm a child," you sighed. Hoping Sam will make things better, you waited for them to return.

"She's a little young, isn't she?" Mary said to her son when they were out of earshot.

"Mom, I can date whoever I want. We're both mature adults," he sighed.

"I know, but–"

"No, mom, Y/N spent all morning worrying about what you were going to think of her. She is an amazing woman, and I'm glad she's my girlfriend. Yeah, she's 10 years younger than me, but I don't see that as an issue. She's very mature for her age, and we have so much in common. Will you please give her a chance?"

"Fine," she said with a nod, "for you."

"Thank you."

Mary gave her son a smile before walking back to you and Dean. When she entered, you stood straighter to see what she would say to you.

"I'm sorry for getting off on the wrong foot. I'm Mary, and I look forward to getting to know you," she smiled. A wide smile broke out on your face as you nodded, glad to have this weekend to get to know her too.

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