Omega - 4

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The leader led them into a lab room. Patryck quickly recognized the situation and opened up his computer. "I took some DNA from your hair last month," Tord began, immediately earning a look of fright from Tom. "And our team found some interesting results." He finished with a smirk, going through some papers.

"Damn..." The blue boy mumbled as the other put on a pair of rectangular glasses to read through things. "Impressive, hm?" Tord commented while scanning through the text. "Yeah, I didn't know you could read." He scoffed humorously. "I can read in three languages, thank you very much Thomas."

"Three?" He huffed with a hand on his hip, realizing he'd fallen into a trap so Tord could flex his intellect. "Yup! Norwegian, English, and Swedish." He took out a sheet of paper and handed it to Patryck who scanned it into the computer. "Why Swedish?" He folded his arms while waiting. "Just had a lot of friends from there growing up."

"That sucks." He stated nonsensically just to be recalcitrant. "Make fun of Sweden all you want, they're our rivals." Tord chuckled and pointed something out on the screen to Patryck. "I must be Swedish then." He relaxed but became impatient. "Mmm, dark eyes brown hair? Not as likely, but possible I suppose. Actually, on the topic of your eyes, we have some research for why they may be that way."

"What?!" Tom looked over at the screen but didn't understand what was being shown. "In short, it's a chemical imbalance that occurred due to your eyes not fully processing light as a fetus. Your pupils tried to expand to accommodate better to the darkness in the womb early on before you were born, so you were likely born with your eyes open. This isn't uncommon, but mixed with the imbalances in your system, it caused the pigmentation of your eyes to alter."

"You're using words but not talking." Tom stared at him. "Thomas, we worked hard on this... and it's got some good side effects!" He clapped his hands. "I'm not sure I'm believing you." He paced around the room and looked about. "When you were young did you ever wish that you were an alpha?"

"Like, those weird human freaks that act like animals? They're so rare I wouldn't dare imagine that." Tom laughed at that since so few of those humans existed. "Well, you're an omega." He replied seriously, not a hint of sarcasm or humor. "Oh... oh I get it, it's all a prank." Tom stilled, face red.

"You're an omega, Tom. Scientifically proven." He smirked at his embarrassment. "No, I'm not." He stated firmly but his expression seemed more nervous than incredulous now. Tord looked him over, staring him down confidently. "You already knew this." He stated lowly. Tom looked away, face in flames. "No..."

"You hid the fact that you were an Omega this entire time? I mean that's impressive, but I suppose I did catch a sweet scent of heat every now and then." He thought aloud, causing the Omega to turn and stare at him. "You're... you... of course you are." He fixed his gaze on the floor tiling.

"One hundred percent alpha, baby." He kiddingly flexed his arms and nudged Tom. The boy remained silent for a minute, cringing at the thoughts in his head. "You know Thomas, that means we're compatible." He teased. "Shut up!" Tom shouted, humiliated by the thought.

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