Cole and Marcel stood face to face as she gave him a once over. He was dressed in a black button down and some black slacks. On his feet where some plain black loafers. Cole smiled, they were matching without even trying. He looked handsome. Beautiful even, how was she gonna get through this date was the first thing that popped in her mind.

She didn't know but Marcel was thinking the exact same thing. She was stunningly beautiful. Clearing his throat, he smiled while stepping aside. "Come in, I'm glad you made it."

Cole walked inside with her fingers entangled in front of her nervously. She spotted the nice table decorated in a white sheet, a candle and plates with silverware. She smiled loving how well he decorated everything. The living room was dimly lit giving off a soft comfortable vibe.

"I hope this is okay, I didn't want to take you out to dinner when I can just make dinner for you while we talk and get to know each other." Cole blushed slightly as he pulled the chair out for her to sit down.

"This is perfect," Cole loved the fact that they were in the privacy of his home. It was just them.. she liked that.

"Well the food is still cooking so let's talk, ever played twenty-one questions?" He asked and Cole couldn't help but laugh.

"Really? That's what we gone play?" She teased, "okay, I'm down."

"That's means you have to answer every question I ask.."

Cole bit her lip, I mean that's the point of this date.. to get to know each other.. right? Cole thought to herself. "Okay," Cole replied. "I go first.."

"Okay, ask away." Marcel gave Cole his attention as she thought about her first question.

"How many relationships have you been in where you fell in love?" Cole couldn't help but ask, she wanted to know about his past relationships.

"Five years ago I was in a committed relationship, I was in love." He answered. "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"No," Cole answered, "what happened with your last relationship?" Marcel took in a harsh breath as he thought about his answer.

"She.. wasn't ready for what I wanted out of our relationship. I wanted a family and.. she wasn't ready for that." Marcel replied, clearing his throat pushing back his emotions. Although he was over his ex, he still felt some type of way for wasting five years on someone he was in love with. Thinking about it only made him sad.. he realized a long time ago that she didn't want to be with him, that she was only with him because of the things he did for her.

"Umm, do you ever want to experience that? Being in a relationship?" Marcel asked quickly changing the subject.

"Yea.. I'm just a little hesitant because you never know someone's intentions." Said Cole as Marcel nodded understandingly.

"Why did you want to go on a date with me?" Cole asked.

"Honestly.. I don't know, I mean yes you are stunningly beautiful but I can tell you've been through some stuff and I just wanted to make you feel comfortable I guess.." he smiled nervously.

Cole blushed looking down at the table. "Why did you say yes to me asking you out?" Marcel shot back with a small smirk.

"I never been on a date before.. and I just wanted a first time experience, plus.. how can I turn down a guy who took me to their own personal library." Cole joked.

Chuckling, Marcel replied. "How could I not? Your the first woman I've met who actually loves to read." Said Marcel as he stood up, "hold that thought, let me go check on the food." disappearing into the kitchen, Cole sat in her seat thinking about more questions to ask. She did not want to get too personal on the first date but Curiosity struck at her.

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