
The radio wasn't even on. Until the last 10 minutes of the ride.

John drove into this huge hotel building that was 10 stories tall with 6 big round pillars standing in the front of the hotel all spread out. The building was in a creamy color with engraved details.

People mingled outside, going in and out the entrance where a big glass double door stood with a white border around it.

The people look as expensive as the building itself.

I did not fit in. That much was obvious. But I mean who cares. Its not like I'm actually gonna live this type of lifestyle. This was just for a little while. But still knowing that, didn't stop the nerves from coming.

The door slammed shut, and thats when I noticed we have stopped and John wasn't in his seat anymore.

Panic rose in me, and my eyes darted to the windshield. My eyes landed on Johns tall buff lean figure, dropping the truck keys to a man that looked to be in his mid 20's and my panic quickly subsided.

The mans hair was swept back with gel and he had a lean figure. Not to big but not to small of a body either. But from where I was at, the man looked good.

Heat spread through my cheeks by my stupid thoughts and I quickly averted my eyes, unbuckling the seat beat and opening the door, while turning in the leather seat. I put my left feet in the stepper and my hands on the open door, sliding my body down slowly, trying not to trip out the car door.

John appeared on my line of vission and he quickly put his hands on either side of my waist, pressing me to his chest and carrying me out of the truck.

I frowned a little when he put me down, not meeting his eyes. I mean, I know I'm not the most graceful person, but he didn't have to make it so obvious.

"Sei anche stupido per farlo da soli" He mummbled under his breath looking irratated.
(You're to stupid to do it yourself)

My eyes shot up at him confused, wanting to now what the hell he just said. Was he talking Italian? And did he just call me stupid?

"Would you like me to take your truck now Sir?" A deep vioce called could beside us, ripping me out of my thoughts of what John had just mummbled out. Twisting in Johns grip, I turned to face the man, who had probably or probably not witness my stupid attempt of gettting out of a truck.

The man looked better up front than in the car. His eyes meet mine before a flash in the distance caught my gaze, and I looked over his shoulder seeing the building light up even brighter with lights, showing over the building carved design.

"Good evening Ma'am"

I shot my eyes back to man who was in front if me. "Good evening, and please call me Lacely" I quietly said with a small smile, extanding out my hand. I hated being called Ma'am. I mean I was 20 years old, not 40.

His hands where warm, and holding on to mine for more than neccesary. Not that I minded but for some reason, it felt worng. Really wrong.

"Yes. Now." Johns deep vioce was rumbled annoyed.

I immediatle dropped my hand out of his and looked up at John. His face looked calmed relaxed but the grip he had on my waist said otherwise.

I lightly tried to shift his hand away without making it to obvious but to no avail. It seemed like if his hand was glued and gripping even tighter. If this man did not let go, he was going to leave me a bruise. Since my oh so dear skin bruises like an apple.

"Enjoy your evening" the man politely said, turning and walking around the front of the truck to the driver side.

"Lets go" John dryly said, pushing me with him with every step he took.

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