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RECAP: John and Lacely are getting emotionally closer over Adele's (Lacely mom) Cancer and Mia recently had an episode of a dream that might just be a reality for her. In the hunt for the truth, Lacely ask Mia if Develyn does in fact hit her, only to find that Mias reaction was more serious than what she expected
"It was so weird" I told Ama who was at the kitchen counter, cutting some onions, while I cut the chicken. It had only been a few days since the incident with Mia had happened. And It's something that nags on my mind constantly. Mia was doing better, a lot better, almost as if it never happened. And I didn't want to keep asking her questions, especially when she was reacting the way she was the first time I did.

"Are you sure que no fue una pesadilla mija?"
(It wasn't a nightmare?)

"No se. When I questioned her more about it, she started crying" The boys and Mia screamed in the back, laughter erupting right after. She had finally gave in and said yes to playing with them. And from I could hear, she doesn't regret it. I looked over to the living room where they were playing. What are they doing? (I don't know)

"And what does John say?" Ama grabbed a tissue for the 3rd time to wipe her tears. "I hate cutting onions" she moaned.

I breathed out a laugh, shaking my head, "I asked him, but...he just doesn't really say anything. I told him about her reaction when I asked her...he keeps saying he'll talk to Develyn" There was a small moment of silence, with the kid's chatter in the background, the knives hitting the cutting board "You don't think her mom is abusing her do you?" I finally blurted. The thought only made my heart drop and stomach turn. Can it be that? No, it can't.

Ama stopped, putting the sliced onion in the salsa, looking over at the kids direction "I don't know" There was a long silence after that. The mere idea loomed heavy and uncomfortable to even think. She couldn't be capable of that can she?

"When is she going back with her mom?" ama asked while taking a few plates down from the Cabinet. I looked over at the clock. It was 6:01 pm, John should be here in a little.

"I have no idea" I finally replied, "Maybe in a month? I haven't asked John about it" I grabbed a plate, serving a small amount of beans, rice, and chicken con chile. Ama had always raised us on eating spicy, and the boys have gotten used to it a little, although they sometimes need us to water it down. Mia on the other hand...needs us to completely wash the meat out for her. She'll get there eventually.

6 months is not enough. Shut up. I knew I was getting attached to quickly and to strong. Even the idea of not having her with me anymore hurt. Maybe John will let me be her actually Nanny or babysitter?

"You guys" I yelled "Come and eat" I finished placing the first plate on the table, while Ama was already fixing up the second plate.

"Are you going to eat right now?" she questioned, setting second plate down

"I think I'm going to wait for John and Zelma. They shouldn't be too long" Ama nodded her head and soon after there was a knock on the door. He's home that fast? "I'll get it, I think it's him" I quickly picked up the tortillas on the comal, walking over to the table to place them in the basket with the tortilla cloth.

"Daddy's home Lace?" Mia exclaimed excitedly. Her face had light up as if I just announced we were taking her to get ice cream. She was doing a lot better, and Mia was back to her happy bubbly self.

"Creo que si" I smiled. I was trying to incorporate Spanish into Mia's vocabulary. John didn't seem to mind at all, and at the end of the day, her knowing another language will always benefit her in the long run. Now, I was just trying to convince John to incorporate Italian into her vocabulary as well. He just stared at me blankly. (I think so)

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