“Oh” all four mouthed.

I had started unpacking the sleeping bags and laid them out in he normal style.

“Is it alright to just stay the night here, well be leaving as soon as the sun shows its first rays.” I asked.

“Sure its fine with us you have to come over to the hot springs first thou.”

I raised a brow at pinky but shrugged “sure”

“Tera remember you a girl,”

“That was one TIME SHESH, I was like only one!”

I laughed out loud, rolling in laughter with the boys. We stood up and then Tera raged fought with her brothers. Rui came back with a black eye. And mumbling. I called the others back inside. They were still fighting in small quirks. And with words. Which was how Re always fought was with words instead of fists.

I smirked as I got out of my cloths with Sakrua. Old scars showed up on my pale white skin. As soon as I got into the hot spring Sakrua was asking about Zane.

“So how is your brother?” she asked

“Fine, I don't thing he'd go out with you if thats what your asking. He's pretty set on Sam, she's my student. But I kind of feel guilty for planting lies about her to him so he'd get over her faster.” I sighed. Thinking back.

~Flash back~

“Zane why can't you see that she just might have been using you from the very start?” I asked

“Because she loved me before Laika showed up,” he said stubbornly

“Ugh, you are so stubborn like a mule sometimes. Ever since Laika appeared did you ever notice how much distance you too got until you turned twenty and then she was all clingy as if she wanted to be changed. Maybe to aid in Killing our mother.” I exclaimed.

“Are you sure,” he said sadly.

“Yes,” I commented “She may have not saying she did but she could have used you, so maybe separating was for the best.” I nodded.

“Maybe it was, I never thought of her being like that, she seemed so pure so kind.” he said sadly.

I hope I'm doing the right thing. I want sam to have a normal relationship with out my brother in the mix. She deserves better than the life of an immortal. And for one I don't want her to wonder the world as a spirit if Zane dies I don't want him to wonder either. I want them both to be so happy. So loving of people who are of there own kind. Please please be the right thing to do.

~End of Flash back.~

“So what did you tell him that was a lie?” she asked.

“I told him that Sam had been using him to get to her goal of killing our mother. Which was never to be true. She's loved him with all her heart since they've met. Even before mom came into the picture.” I sighed

Sinking deeper into the water I felt like a scum bag now feeling the pain that was in my brothers heart the pain of betrayal. What happens when she comes back from the mission and still loves him more than Sasuke. What happens then will he be the one to break the fragile heart. The one that would go to deaths door to show him her undying love for him.

I had watched the bubbles surface, float around the top of the water. I was at the bottom of the hot spring staring up at the water. Tera was talking to Pinky to keep her occupied. Thankfully. What if I could fix what has already happened before Sam loses it all.

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