°~《Chapter Nineteen》~°

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It seemed much later when I started waking up. I wasn't even sure when I had drifted off to sleep. Though, it was probably beneficial for my mood that I had taken a nap.

Tuskon was already under the covers fast asleep with the lights dimmed low. I was happy to see my egg in the sand tray staying warm. My mood turned slightly south as I realized that whatever had just happened was not a dream.

I silently stood up in a quick stretch and lightly stepped across the bed to the night stand. Laying down, I nuzzle the last connection I had to Dan.

I listened to the light breathing of my caretaker. His reaction to hearing me talk wasn't what I had expected. I still didn't know what to think of all that was going on. Now that he knew, I might as well be straight forward and ask him instead of guessing.

However, Tuskon didn't seem like he was going to wake up anytime soon. If I was going to ask him anything, I'd have to wait til "morning". Though, how they were able to tell the time of day out in space was beyond me.

* * *

I tried sleeping some more, but it didn't last. My mind was too distracted to stay in a rested state for any longer.

I simply basked under the lamp as I waited for Tuskon to rise from slumber. I wasn't nearly as patient as I knew my caretaker could be. How I was able to stay so patient was a huge mystery to me. I have never been so patient in my life.

Tuskon woke how he normally did. With a deep breath, his mind was aroused from sleep and he was instantly awake. The only time I haven't seen him like this was the morning after the over glorified baby shower. There was no explaining these aliens and their weird physiology.

He sat up, giving me full view of his chest, "Good morning."

I'd usually humor him with a whistle, though there wasn't any point in doing that now. I tapped into his mind and replied, "Morning."

Tuskon got out of bed and pulled on a clean pair of clothes, "How about some breakfast."

I sat up and stretched before looking at him, "Sure."

Blowing a low flame, I turned the egg in the sand before flying to Tuskon's padded shoulder. He held an apple slice just close enough for me to take it without any effort.

I accepted the offering and leaned out over his shoulder to get a better look into the dish he was holding. This container reminded me of the fridge thing in their kitchen, and probably acted similarly. Despite it being at least three days old, it didn't taste any different than the ones I'd had fresh back on Earth.

With my eyesight as good as new, I surveyed the dish of assorted fruit before whining, "No strawberries?"

Tuskon laughed at my distraught mind voice before pulling out another fruit dish, "I stored the strawberries separately."

My tail swished behind me as I eyed the container longingly. Putting the assorted fruits up, he quickly brought out my favorite food item. Right as it was within my reach, I grabbed it in my hands to enjoy it at my own pace.

Despite going at a slower speed, Tuskon was patient as I savored my breakfast. Even though I was enjoying the large amount of strawberries, I had to stop before my stomach decided it wanted to burst.

I shook out my scales, letting them ring the familiar chime as I lounged over his shoulder lazily, "You didn't lose the scrubbing oil did you?"

Tuskon packed up the dishes before looking curiously at me, "Based on your reaction, I'd assume you liked the oiling?"

I sent a line of amusement with my mind voice, "There is nothing that can compare to whatever that oil is."

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