°~《Chapter Eleven》~°

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I woke up the next morning with a strange feeling in my chest. I lifted my head and sent out a few clicks. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

I nudged my sleeping partner with my hand, "Dan, wake up."

He turned over on his side with a grown, "Ugh, what time is it?"

I huffed at him, "That's what I need you to tell me."

Dan yawned and stretched before looking towards the window half asleep, "It looks like the sun is about to come up." He tried to lay back down but the reality of his words caught up to him. "The sun is about to come up!"

I stood up and spread out my wings, "We're about to miss the Morning Song! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

We rushed to the window and made it just in time to start. Dan sent me the sunrise in all it's glory. Together we sang and danced the praises of the new day.

The Morning Song ended and we went to rest on the room's center table. With the amount of noise we made, it wasn't a surprise when Tuskon and Marcy stumbled tiredly out of their room.

Their body language was clear for how tired they were. They shuffled towards the kitchen and I decided to follow. After almost missing the Morning Song, I was completely convinced I was starving. Dan was probably on the same mind set as he followed too.

We both sat in a corner of the room as we listened to their conversations and waited for our turn to eat. Usually we'd eat right after the Morning Song but it seems our caretakers have forgotten.

Marcy finished a bite from her plate, "I've been thinking, what if Aspen was going into season? That would explain her behavior towards a crying child."

I stared at her, "Really? That's the only explanation?"

Dan almost fell over as he started laughing in the mindlink, "Everything you do could be explained with 'going into season'! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard!"

I narrowed my blind eyes at him, "Yeah let's see you laughing when I skin your hide!"

I pounced on his still laughing form and dug my claws into his scales. I knew it wouldn't hurt him, but it would sure help me win this match.

Tuskon continued talking as we wrestled, "I sure hope not. It's hard enough with just the two of them."

Dan didn't stop laughing, "We'll know you're really going into season when I start making dad jokes!"

I bit his arm lightly, "I swear, if you start doing that, I really am going to kill you!"

Dan rolled over, failing to avoid my attacks as he laughed sarcastically, "Oh no! What are we ever going to do? Her crazy seasonal mood swings are going to be the death of us all!"

I clawed and kicked him a few feet away from me. He angered me but I knew he didn't truly mean it. His teasing actually reminded me of my father. It was a calming feeling to be reminded of.

Our two caretakers had managed to miss our little tussle and were still talking with one another. Lucky for us, they hadn't completely forgotten that we needed to eat. They sliced some fruit and we followed them into the main room.

We ate fruit from their hands, then got a good wash and oil massage. I was pretty much asleep when Tuskon started talking again.

He was oiling Dan as he spoke to Marcy, "We will need to leave soon if we want to be there on time."

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