Talk 02-Shower Talk

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Shower Talk 

Interviewer: Where do you start washing when you take a shower?

Arthit: Well, when I first shower, I start-

Kong: P'Arthit starts by washing his face and neck. He will usually massage his neck as part of his facial routine. After he has done that, he washes his hair with his favorite strawberry yogurt shampoo. And continues down the shoulders to his chest to his stomach to his -

Arthit: *blushes furiously* KONGPOBE!

Kong: *stares lovingly* Yes, my P'Ai'Oon?

Arthit: Gosh, we are in public, don't call me that. How the hell do you know how I shower!? Are you a peeping tom peeping at me?

Kong: Well, not exactly P'Arthit, I know you love taking showers but you do forget that I'm in your room sometimes and you do have a habit of forgetting to lock the bathroom door.

Arthit: *blushes harder* Means you are peeping at me!

Kong: *calmly* No P'Arthit, I promise I didn't but your mirror reflects the gap when you forget to close the door so...


Kong: I think you are sexy na. May I please take a shower with you next time? I promise I will wash your back *eggs on*

Arthit: .........*veins popping and trying to control himself*

Interviewer: Um....then, Nong Kongpobe, what is your answer?

Kong: Oh me? I-

Arthit: He starts by scrubbing his shoulder and ears first and then his face and hair and the rest of the body *blurts out suddenly. Kong beams*

Kong: P'Arthit! I'm so happy you noticed! I am glad I left all my doors open when I shower.

Arthit: *blushes tomato red* KONGPOBE! You did it on purpose!

Kong: But P'Arthit, I didn't make you watch me for free, it was a standing invitation.

Arthit: To WHAT?

Kong: To have a couple shower and make *beep* *beep* *beep*


Interviewer: Umm, I think that's the only question I can go on for the night. This sounds very dejavu. I need an aspirin. Or two. I should quit my job.


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