Times are Changing

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A lot has changed.  This once quiet clean private beach has now become a resort for many tourist.

The people all in their swim wear either playing in the sand or in the water.

Ever since that night were my nephew was shipped off to another country things hadn't been the same.  And not once had I spoken to him.

There were times I wanted to call him but I didn't have his phone number and my dear older brother refuses to give it to him.  He is still adamant on keeping Collin away from me.  I don't care if he isn't my son, throughout his life I was more of a father to him than his own dad.

 Now he is coming back today or so I have heard from Erin.  After three long years he is finally returning home.

While I stand here at the edge of the water trying to drown out the noises my thoughts went towards Collin.  How was he?  Is he better?  All I know is from what Erin has told me.  And when I think of Collin my thoughts also go to Kara.

Since Collin flew to America I haven't seen Kara anywhere.  Sure I have gone out to sea but the water is calm as usual.  I never did figure out what those creatures were.  If only I could have taken a picture of it then perhaps I'd know.

Up till now I have been wracking my brain wondering what kind of creature had done so much damage to my sub.

"Uncle."  Glancing around, Erin was waving over to me.  "Uncle, Collin should be arriving soon we should go to the airport before father gets there."

I for one am grateful Erin didn't shut me out, well not totally out of Collin's life.  I practically raised the boy.  And if I could, I'd adopt him.

"Shall we go."

Nodding her head, Erin took one last look at the sea glaring at it menacingly before heading off.  She still never forgave Kara for what happened to Collin.  It's not like it is her fault to begin with.

"Does your dad know I am going?"  I calmly ask while we were now on the road.

"He'll get over it.  I mean you are family.  He can't shut you out of Collin's life forever."

Few minutes on the road and it grew a comfortably silence but I had to know more.  Usually Erin was short on how Collin was really doing.  She never really delve deep into how he has been and I have been dying to know.  

Did he miss Kara, will he pick up where he left off?  And what about Hazel?  I know she was with him throughout all those three years he has been away.  And I know she has been taking good care of him.

Every once in a while, my sister in law, Ellen would visit Collin to make sure he finishes his studies.

I wonder if he had join another swim club down there.

"Tell me Erin," I broke the silence, "Has Collin mention Kara."  I admit, I wanted to know.  Because before Collin left he didn't even want to part with her.

"Um..."  Erin just shrugged her shoulders.

Finally we arrived at the airport where Erin and I waited impatiently might I add for his plane to land only to meet up with my brother and his family.

"What the hell are you doing here?"  Brian gritted his teeth.

"What do you think brother, to meet my nephew."

"Didn't I tell you, you are not allowed anywhere near my sons."  He retorted.

"Dad, enough.  You are a grown man, whether you like it or not, uncle is family and Collin's uncle too so you cannot tell him not to see him."  Erin snapped.

"Fine."  I was flabbergasted Brian had given up so easily.  Looking pass him I greeted Ellen and Jamie.

"Uncle."  Jamie responded while Ellen had given me a bone crushing hug.

"I miss you Frederic."

"And I you too Ellen."  I had returned the hug.

A few more moments and the people were just coming out.  There just a few feet away was Collin and Hazel by his side.

"Son, welcome home."  Brian grinned.

Collin however remained unphase especially to be home.  You would think since he is home he would be ecstatic but he looked far from it.

"Brother."  Erin threw her arms around him.  "Oh my goodness look at you."  She pulled back to gaze at him, "Since when did you get those."  She squeezed his arms.  Yes in deed.  He was no longer the skinny boy who enjoyed collecting shells.  His body has most definitely grown in size.  His face more defined as well as his whole physics.

"I see someone has been hitting the gym."  I finally found my voice for only Collin to glance at me before turning away.

Not even a smile made it pass his lips.  Have I done something wrong to received the cold shoulder?

"Collin."  Jamie also gave him a hug.  In fact he gave every one a hug including his dad but not me.  

"Collin, aren't you going to also greet your uncle."  Ellen intervene.

Collin glanced at me once again before forcing a hug on me.  Though the feelings wasn't there I missed his warmth.  

"Uncle you could let go now."  

"Oh sorry my dear boy, I just missed you."  

Slightly tilting his head he backed away before taking Hazel into his hand and pulling her towards him.  I wanted to asked what is the meaning of this.  I mean he assured me that there is no way in hell he would be with Hazel so what is the deal with him pulling her into his embrace.

"Hazel my child, how is life going for you?"  Ellen asked.

"Good."  She whispered.

"Collin," I called gaining his attention.  We may have not spoken in the past three years but Erin hasn't mention anything to me about him and Hazel.  "Are you and Hazel boy friend and girl friend now?"  

I watch Hazel tense in his hold.  "Uncle, girlfriend?"  Collin turned towards Hazel, "No."

My heart had relaxed a bit.  Good because I don't think I could take it if I was the last to know of something so important.

Collin turned his gazed back to me, "She is my wife."  

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